


I am building 4 different flavors of my Android app.

我有一个类 Customization.java 这是相同的3人,不同的1。

I have a class Customization.java that is the same for 3 of them and different for 1.


Since I cannot put the same class both in the main folder and in the flavor folder, I now have to maintain 3 copies of the exact same class for those 3 flavors.


Is there any way that I could do with keeping just two versions of this class?


  1. 我看了一下味道尺寸,但事实证明,他们并不适用于这种情况。
  2. 在保持的风格中的一种只有一个文件,并通过我的构建脚本复制它。


I am wondering if there is something cleaner out of the box.



I would like to convert CommonsWare's comment to an answer. I'll then explain how the final directory setup should look like. I hope this helps out the people stumbling upon this question through search.

好了,你可以覆盖资源的口味。所以,有一个共同的  在主/ RES /布局/ 和风味特异之一   yourFlavorHere / RES /布局/

因此​​,如果自定义活动的布局文件名为 activity_customization.xml ,你会离开它的普通副本在的src /主/ RES /布局目录,并将修改后的布局XML的三种口味中共享使用的话,比如说 flavorFour ,其对应的源代码集目录下的的src / flavorFour / RES /布局

So, if the Customization activity's layout file is called activity_customization.xml, you'll leave its common copy shared among the three flavors under src/main/res/layout directory and place the modified layout xml to be used by, say flavorFour, under its corresponding source set directory src/flavorFour/res/layout.

这工作的方式是,由于味道一至三个(不像味4)没有提供自己版本的 activity_customization.xml 中,他们将继承一个从源组的到来。

The way this works is that since flavor one to three (unlike flavor four) haven't provided their own versions of activity_customization.xml, they'll inherit the one coming from the main source set.

这是得到棘手活动Java类。另一种可能性  这是配置风味相同的活动实施  从两个源目录拉:风味特异一年  常见的一种与普通类实现。


Unlike resources, Java code files are not merged or overridden. So, you can't have Java files with the same fully qualified class name under main as well as in any of your flavor source sets. If you do, you'll receive a duplicate class error.


To resolve this issue, the simplest solution is to move Customization activity out of the main and into each flavor source set. This works because the flavor directories are mutually exclusive (with each other, not with main) hence avoiding the conflict.

但是,这意味着四分之三的四种口味有活性的副本 - 一个维护的噩梦 - 只是因为风格中的一种需要进行一些修改。要解决这个问题,我们可以引进,保持刚才的共同$的三种口味之间共享C $ C文件另一个源目录。

But this means three out of the four flavors have a duplicate copy of the activity - a maintenance nightmare - just because one of the flavors required some changes to it. To resolve this issue we can introduce another source directory that keeps just the common code files shared between the three flavors.

因此​​, build.gradle 脚本会看起来像

So, the build.gradle script would look something like

android {
    productFlavors {
        flavorOne {
        flavorTwo {
        flavorThree {
        flavorFour {
    sourceSets {
        flavorOne.java.srcDir 'src/common/java'
        flavorTwo.java.srcDir 'src/common/java'
        flavorThree.java.srcDir 'src/common/java'

注意使用 java.srcDir 的(而不是 srcDirs )其中的添加另一种Java源代码目录已经存在默认的的src / flavorX / java的

Notice the use of java.srcDir (and not srcDirs) which adds another Java source directory to the already existing default src/flavorX/java.

现在我们需要做的就是砸在的src /普通/ Java中常见的自定义活动文件来使它的口味一至三个可用。通过 flavorFour 要求修改后的版本会去根据其自己的源设置为的src / flavorFour / java的

Now all we need to do is to drop the common Customization activity file in src/common/java to make it available to the flavors one to three. The modified version required by flavorFour would go under its own source set at src/flavorFour/java.


So, the final project structure would look something like

+ App // module
|- src
   |- common // shared srcDir
      |- java
       |- path/to/pkg
         |- CustomizationActivity.java // inherited by flavors 1, 2, 3
   + flavorOne
   + flavorTwo
   + flavorThree
   + flavorFour
      |- java
       |- path/to/pkg
         |- CustomizationActivity.java // per-flavor activity class
      |- res
         |- layout
            |- activity_customization.xml // overrides src/main/res/layout
   |- main
      + java
      |- res
         |- layout
            |- activity_customization.xml // inherited by flavors 1, 2, 3


08-26 13:24