

本文介绍了如何禁用Maven构建使用Maven 2.0集成Eclipse的是什么时候?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



How do I stop the "Maven 2.0 integration" plugin from running maven build, while keeping "build automatically" checked?

我是pretty确保它使用的是一些前的复选框以禁用Maven构建,但升级后的Ubuntu;月食似乎在这个过程中进行了更新,现在我无法找到任何方式来关闭Maven构建。 Maven构建需要字面上分钟(约5分钟左右),而只是运行用于秒完成Java构建。

I'm pretty sure it used to be some check box to disable maven build before, but after upgrading Ubuntu; eclipse seems to have been updated in the process, and now I cannot find any way to turn off the maven build. The maven build takes literally minutes (about 5 minutes or so), while just running java build used to finish in seconds.


Is it no longer possible to disable it or have they just hidden it well?


If it's not possible, will eclipse be able to compile my maven project without the plugin?

(尝试谷歌的解决方案我得到了一个答案被关闭的那里的答案基本上是你应该能够禁用项目preferences Maven的建设者......,这并不能真正帮助,因为我无法找到任何开/关设定那里)

(Trying to google for a solution the closes I got to an answer was several archives of this old post where the answer essentially were "You should be able to disable Maven builder in project preferences..." which doesn't really help because I cannot find any on/off settings there)


要禁用Maven项目生成器,在项目上单击右键 preferences>建筑工地并取消在 Maven项目生成器(不能修改默认的Maven生成器)。

To disable the Maven Project Builder, right-click on your project then Preferences > Builders and uncheck the Maven Project Builder (you cannot modify the default maven builder).

如果这个删除太多的东西,你也许可以创建自己的自定义Maven的建设者。点击新建下,选择 Maven构建并配置它,只要你想。

If this removes "too much" things, you can maybe create your own custom Maven builder. Click New, select Maven Build and configure it as you want.



I guess you would have to add the related projects in the Project References (or to uncheck Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects).



最后,这一切的调整看起来丑陋的黑客。如果你不是由m2eclipse插件满意,也许你应该使用 Maven的Eclipse的插件而不是(即运行 MVN日食:日食),而不是生成的.project 的.classpath 文件并导入项目,现有项目到Eclipse中。

At the end, all this tweaks looks like ugly hacks. If you're not satisfied by the m2eclipse plugin, maybe you should use the maven-eclipse-plugin instead (i.e. run mvn eclipse:eclipse) instead to generate the .project and .classpath files and import your projects as Existing Project into Eclipse.

这篇关于如何禁用Maven构建使用Maven 2.0集成Eclipse的是什么时候?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 07:21