



如果我提出了一个可能琐碎的问题,我很抱歉,但是我非常难以找出在Eclipse IDE中的Maven构建窗口中使用的解决工作空间工件 M2Eclipse插件。我指的是:

I'm sorry if I am asking a possibly-trivial question, but I am having so much trouble finding out exactly what Resolve Workspace Artifacts does in the Maven build window in the Eclipse IDE, using the M2Eclipse plugin. I'm referring to this:


Does anyone have any idea? I tried google-ing and stackoverflow-ing the solution; there are lots of bug requests/reports but no clear-cut descriptions of this option. Thanks for the help.


假设您的工作空间中有两个或多个项目。 project1 project2 等等。如果 project1 依赖于 project2 project3 ,您只需需要在 project2 project3 中定义 project1

Assume you have two or more projects in your workspace e.g. project1, project2 and so on. If project1 is dependent on project2 and project3, you just need to define the dependency of project1 on project2 and project3.

启用解析工作空间工件 m2Eclipse 将自动构建 project2 project3 SNAPSHOT JAR 添加 project1 的类路径。

By enabling Resolve Workspace Artifacts, m2Eclipse will auto-build the SNAPSHOT JAR of project2 and project3 and add in the classpath of project1.



07-22 07:19