I created an empty maven project and it created a folder structure src/main/java
.Now I want to link source from my local repo to this src/main/java
如果我转到buildpath->link source
If I go to buildpath->link source
, and name the folder as src/main/java
, I get the
If I delete the folder and then do the same step, I get following error.
What is the best way to go forward?
I cannot change the project structure in the repo location and copying the folder to my workspace would mean manually merging changes later.
并构建我的 pom.xml 的一部分:
使用buildpath->link source
配置项目源时,它只是eclipse的配置.它所做的只是在eclipse .project文件中添加链接的源条目. Maven对此配置一无所知.当尝试使用此配置(通过maven)安装项目时,在已安装的工件中将看不到任何源代码.
When you configure your project source with buildpath->link source
it is just a configuration for eclipse. All it does is adding a linked source entry in the eclipse .project file. Maven does not know anything about this configuration. When you try to install your project with this configuration (with maven), you will not see any source code in the installed artifact.
如果必须这样做,请在pom.xml文件中添加以下内容.这将通知Maven您正在使用其他项目文件夹结构. (不建议使用此配置,但可以使用)
If you have to do it this way add following to your pom.xml file. This will inform maven that you are using a different project folder structure. (this configuration is not recomended, but in your case it is usable)
<sourceDirectory>Reletive path to source folder</sourceDirectory>
在eclipse端,只需给文件夹命名,即您的源主文件夹名称. (如来源")
At eclipse side just give folder the name, that your sources main folder name. (like "Source")
https://maven.apache.org /guides/mini/guide-using-one-source-directory.html
这篇关于在Eclipse Maven中链接源文件夹时出现错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!