Does anyone know if a new version of Access is due to come out anytime soon? Thanks, Neil推荐答案 嗨Neil, 我知道微软团队在下一个版本上努力工作,因为我有权使用 来管理一小组用户,这些用户可以预览新功能并提供输入。但是,我还没有听说过任何预期的RTM(发布到制造)时间表。 Tom _________________________________ " Neil Ginsberg" < nr*>在留言中写道 新闻:B2 **************** @ ... 有谁知道Access的新版本是否会很快问世? 谢谢, Neil Hi Neil, I know the Microsoft team is hard at work on the next version, since I''ve had the privilege ofbeing on a small team of users that gets to preview new features and provide input. However, Ihave not heard of any anticipated RTM (Release to Manufacturing) schedule yet. Tom_________________________________ "Neil Ginsberg" <nr*> wrote in messagenews:B2**************** Does anyone know if a new version of Access is due to come out anytime soon? Thanks, Neil 谢谢汤姆。我们现在正在使用A2000并且正在考虑升级到A2003。 有什么想法,而不是等待下一个版本? Neil " Tom Wickerath" < AO ******** @>在消息中写道 新闻:9p ******************** @ ... Thanks Tom. We''re using A2000 now and are considering upgrading to A2003.Any thoughts on that, as opposed to waiting for the next version? Neil "Tom Wickerath" <AO***********************> wrote in messagenews:9p********************你好Neil, 我知道微软团队在下一个版本上努力工作,因为我已经有幸成为一个小团队的用户预览新功能并提供输入。但是,我还没有听说过任何预期的RTM(发布到制造业)时间表。 Tom _________________________________ " Neil Ginsberg < nr*>在消息中写道新闻:B2 **************** @ ... 有没有人知道Access的新版本是否会随时出现 谢谢, Neil Hi Neil, I know the Microsoft team is hard at work on the next version, since I''ve had the privilege of being on a small team of users that gets to preview new features and provide input. However, I have not heard of any anticipated RTM (Release to Manufacturing) schedule yet. Tom _________________________________ "Neil Ginsberg" <nr*> wrote in message news:B2**************** Does anyone know if a new version of Access is due to come out anytime soon? Thanks, Neil 2005年1月18日星期二07:46:49 GMT,Neil Ginsberg < nr*>写道: On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 07:46:49 GMT, "Neil Ginsberg" <nr*> wrote: 谢谢汤姆。我们现在正在使用A2000,正在考虑升级到A2003。有什么想法,而不是等待下一个版本? Neil Thanks Tom. We''re using A2000 now and are considering upgrading to A2003.Any thoughts on that, as opposed to waiting for the next version?Neil Access 2003与Access 2002(XP)相比没有任何令人信服的改进。如果您使用Access 2002,,我现在不会打扰升级,除非您无论如何都要升级MS Office 。 Access 2003 offers no compelling improvements over Access 2002(XP). If youare using Access 2002, I would not bother upgrading right now unless you wereupgrading MS Office anyway. 这篇关于新访问版本?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-23 06:41