


I'm using dotCover to analyze code coverage of my unit tests, and I'm getting some strange results... I have an iterator method for which the coverage is not complete, but the statements that are not covered are just the closing braces at the end of the method.


Here's the method I'm testing:

    public static IEnumerable<T> CommonPrefix<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> source,
        IEnumerable<T> other,
        IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)

        return source.CommonPrefixImpl(other, comparer);

    private static IEnumerable<T> CommonPrefixImpl<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> source,
        IEnumerable<T> other,
        IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
        comparer = comparer ?? EqualityComparer<T>.Default;

        using (IEnumerator<T> en1 = source.GetEnumerator(),
                              en2 = other.GetEnumerator())
            while (en1.MoveNext() && en2.MoveNext())
                if (comparer.Equals(en1.Current, en2.Current))
                    yield return en1.Current;
                    yield break;
        } // not covered
    } // not covered


    public void Test_CommonPrefix_SpecificComparer()
        var first = new[] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz", "Titi", "Tata", "Toto" };
        var second = new[] { "FOO", "bAR", "baz", "tata", "Toto" };

        var expected = new[] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" };
        var actual = first.CommonPrefix(second, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
        Assert.That(actual, Is.EquivalentTo(expected));


我假设使用块关闭的大括号实际上是对枚举器的 Dispose 的调用;但是,为什么不执行?我首先怀疑NUnit没有处理调查员,但是如果我在实际上做一个foreach,我会得到相同的结果。

I assume the closing brace of the using block is actually the calls to Dispose on the enumerators; but then, why is it not executed? I first suspected that NUnit wasn't disposing the enumerators, but I get the same result if I do a foreach on actual.


As for the second uncovered closing brace, I have no idea what it stands for... I guess it's related to how the compiler transforms the iterator block.


Can anyone shed some light on what these two "statements" are, and why they are not executed ?

编辑:Peter提出了一个非常好的问题:上面显示的结果是在调试版本上运行测试时获得的。如果我在发布版本上运行测试,那么 CommonPrefixImpl 方法的覆盖率为100%,因此它可能与编译器优化有关。

Peter raised a very good question: the results shown above were obtained when running the tests on a debug build. If I run the tests on a release build, coverage of the CommonPrefixImpl method is 100%, so it's probably related to compiler optimizations.



One of the problems with iterator methods is that the compiler generates a rather large and complex state machine to manage the deferred execution of the code within the iterator method. This usually generates a class or two. These classes are meant to deal with the general case and not your specific case, so there's likely at least a bit of code in there that is never used. You can look at what is generated by looking at your assembly with tools like ILSpy, JustDecompile or Reflector. It will show the classes in your assembly generated by the C# compiler (usually class names containing '<', etc.)


What the profiler knows about is how the PDB associates to your code and despite the possibility that all of the code you wrote possibly being executed, there's still a possibility that not all of the code generated by the compiler got executed. The profiler probably doesn't know this and simply says that a certain percentage (less than 100) of a particular iterator method got executed.

可能产生的一件事情是异常处理代码。因为编译器不知道你的代码不会或者可能不能生成异常,所以它仍然会生成代码以补偿异常 - 它需要保持它的状态不会变得腐败。我敢打赌,如果你在一个基于某个标志的迭代器方法中的各个地方引入一个异常的方法,并且运行该方法两次(一次没有异常,一次在同一次运行中有异常),百分比会有所不同 - 可能更高因为生成的异常处理代码会被执行。

One of the things likely getting generated is exception handling code. Because the compiler doesn't know your code won't or possibly can't generate an exception it will still generate code to compensate for an exception--it needs to keep it's state from becoming corrupt. I bet if you included a way to throw an exception in various places in your iterator method based on some flag and ran the method twice (once without exceptions and once with exceptions in the same run) that the percentages would be different--likely higher because the generated exception handling code would then be exercised.


The fact that the end of the method "seems" to not be executed is likely because that code is part of a different method in the state machine that gets executed and the compiler never generates an association from that generated code to the code in your class.

UPDATE:为了更好地理解编译器正在做什么,并查看它生成的代码类型的示例,请参阅C#规范中的 10.14 Iterators 部分( http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7029

UPDATE: to get a better understanding of what the compiler is doing and see an example of the type of code it generates see section 10.14 Iterators in the C# spec (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7029)


07-22 07:01