本文介绍了在Eclipse juno中将项目添加到Websphere Server需要做些什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经从此处安装了用于Eclipse V8.5.1的WebSphere Application Server开发人员工具"以及用于开发人员的WebSphere Application Server V8.5":.

I have installed the "WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse V8.5.1" as well as "WebSphere Application Server for Developers V8.5" from here: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/wasdev/entry/download?lang=en.

我正在使用Eclipse Juno.

I am using Eclipse Juno.


I used the First Steps tool to create a profile for application development.

我在服务器"视图中添加了"WebSphere Application Server v8.5"服务器,将其指向该概要文件.

I added a "WebSphere Application Server v8.5" server to the Server view, pointing it at that profile.


When I right click on the Server in the Servers View and select "Add and Remove..." I get a dialog saying "There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server."

我可以将我的项目添加到Tomcat服务器或"WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile"(出于超出此问题范围的诸多原因,我需要使用真实的" WebSphere-Liberty不是足够好).

I CAN add my project to a Tomcat server or a "WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile" (I need to use the "real" WebSphere for a host of reasons beyond the scope of this question - Liberty isn't good enough).


What am I missing to get it to let me add my project to the server?


我为WAS 8.0使用IBM RSA/RDi/Rational Developer for i(它是基于Eclipse构建的,并且已经多次更改了名称),因此不确定是否这将直接适用于您的情况,但是您写的内容与我过去遇到的麻烦非常相似...

I use IBM RSA/RDi/Rational Developer for i (which is built off of Eclipse, and has changed names many times) with WAS 8.0 so not sure if this will apply directly to your situation but what you've written sounds very similar to the trouble I've had in the past...


We setup a "parent" sort of project that contains the EAR that will deploy to WAS and then we have a corresponding "web" application that contains the WAR.


In the parent project, under properties -> deployment assembly, add your "web" project. Also check off your "web" project under Project References.

希望这会导致您的应用程序可部署到WAS ...

Hopefully this will cause your app to be deployable to WAS...

这就是我使用IBM RSA(它是基于Eclipse构建的-您可能需要调整其中一些设置才能应用于您的Eclipse版本)创建EAR父"项目的方式.
1.转到文件->新建->项目...,然后选择Java EE->企业应用程序项目
2.输入适当的项目名称,然后选择您的WebSphere App Server作为目标运行时
3.系统提示我有关Java EE模块依赖项的列表,并选择将打包在耳朵中的Web应用程序.我还选择生成application.xml部署描述符"

Edit I
This is how I created my EAR "parent" project using IBM RSA (which is built off of Eclipse - you may have to adjust some of these settings to apply to your version of Eclipse)
1. Go to File -> New -> Project... and choose Java EE -> Enterprise Application Project
2. Put in an appropriate project name and choose your WebSphere App Server as your target runtime
3. I get prompted with a list of Java EE module dependencies and I choose the web app that will be packaged in the ear; I also choose to "Generate application.xml deployment descriptor"


I'm then able to add the ear to my WAS server.

这篇关于在Eclipse juno中将项目添加到Websphere Server需要做些什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 19:56