本文介绍了Eclipse中的Maven 2项目错误图标的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Eclipse IDE中创建了多模块maven项目(已经安装了M2Eclipse插件)。在那里,我可以成功构建我的项目。但是在构建之后它还会在我的每个模块项目中显示错误图标。它可能是什么类型的问题?

I have create multi-module maven project in Eclipse IDE (already installed M2Eclipse plugin). There I can build my project successfully. But after build also it shows errors icon in my every module project. What kind of issue it can be?




Without knowing what errors you are seeing I am going to assume that your issue is with eclipse project properties (build path, src directory specification, output classes directory, etc).

您标记了m2eclipse插件,因此您应该能够在eclipse中右键单击您的项目选择 maven->更新项目配置。如果您在maven下没有看到该选项,那么您应该首先看到名为 maven->启用依赖关系管理的选项。首先单击该项,然后您应该能够看到更新项目配置选项。

You tagged m2eclipse plugin, so you should be able to right click on your project in eclipse select maven->update project configuration. If you do not see that option under maven then you should first see an option called maven->enable dependency management. Click that first and then you should be able to see update project configuration option.

如果这不能解决问题,那么打开包含pom.xml文件的项目目录命令提示符并运行 mvn eclipse:eclipse

If this does not fix it, then open your project directory containing the pom.xml file in command prompt and run mvn eclipse:eclipse.


One of the above should resolve those pesky error messages provided that your maven build itself is successful.

这篇关于Eclipse中的Maven 2项目错误图标的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 07:23