

我如何转换Apache的上传的文件 UploadedFile的类到的java.io.File 类?

How do I convert an uploaded file from apache's UploadedFile class to a java.io.File class?


综观文件( UploadedFile的 和的),这两个类,这里​​有一个解决方案。

Looking at the documentation (UploadedFile and File) for both classes, here's one solution.

既然你可以访问的的InputStream UploadedFile的,您可以在上传文件的数据读取和其写入到一个临时位置,或您的应用程序可以管理其他位置。

Since you can access the InputStream of the UploadedFile, you can read in the data of the uploaded file and write it to a temporary location or another location that your application can manage.

// assume that you have the UploadedFile object named uploadedFile
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(uploadedFile.getInputStream());
int partition = 1024;
int length = 0;
int position = 0;
char[] buffer = new char[partition];
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("out.tmp");
    length = reader.read(buffer, position, partition)
    fstream.write(buffer, position, length);
}while(length > 0);
File file = new File("out.tmp");


07-21 02:37