




It seems that input redirection in gdb does not work in Cygwin e.g

(gdb) run < input.txt


Is there other way to redirect input in gdb of Cygwin??


长期存在,但显然很难修复 - 而且可能gdb开发人员喜欢在与更常见的环境(例如Linux)相关的功能/问题上花时间。

Unfortunately this is not possible when running gdb in cygwin. The bug exists for a quote long time, but apparently it's a hard one to fix - and probably the gdb devs prefer spending time on features/issues relevant to more common environments (such as Linux).


There are various possible workarounds; I'd prefer the first one since it's the cleanest and also useful while not debugging / running on cygwin:

  • 添加命令行参数,例如 -f无论任何是要读取的文件名。如果参数不存在或设置为 - ,从stdin中读取。 -f - 选项当然是可选的,但对于接受文件名的参数,它是一个通用标准(只要有意义)处理 - asuse stdin / out。

  • 使用gdb hack提及将stdin重新映射到应用程序中手动打开的文件:

  • Add a command line argument, e.g. -f whatever with whatever being the filename to read from. If the argument is not present or set to -, read from stdin. The -f - option is optional of course but for arguments accepting filenames it's a common standard (as long as it makes sense) to handle - as "use stdin/out".
  • Use the gdb hack mentioned here to remap stdin to a manually opened file inside the application:

> gdb yourexecutable
(gdb) break main
(gdb) run
(gdb) call dup2(open("input.txt", 0), 0)
(gdb) continue

main 函数上设置断点,然后执行程序,它会在输入 main 后立即断开。然后用于替换stdin fd( 0 )与输入文件的文件描述符。

This sets a breakpoint on the main function, then executes the program which will break right after entering main. Then dup2 is used to replace the stdin fd (0) with a file descriptor of the input file.


07-21 02:24