


Is there anyway to redirect the input file into our program in OCaml?


filename.ml < input.<can be any extension>


I have googled for this problem. The module Unix comes up to mind but I really don't understand how it works.


Could someone please give me some suggestion? If I'm right about the Unix module, can you please give me an example of how it works?!




Since you know how to redirect from the command line, I assume you're asking how to redirect inside your program.

要弄清楚的第一件事(如果您能原谅我的话)是您要这样做的原因.通过重定向可以完成的任何操作都可以通过打开文件进行输入并在输入通道中传递来完成.重定向的唯一目的是将 standard 输入通道连接到所选文件.但是,由于您正在编写代码,因此可以从任何您喜欢的渠道读取输入.

The first thing to figure out (if you'll excuse my saying so) is why you would want to do this. Anything that can be done through redirection can be done by opening a file for input and passing around the input channel. The only purpose of redirection is to hook the standard input channel up to a chosen file. But since you're writing the code you can read input from any channel you like.


One reason to do it is that it's a quick hack for testing. I've done this many times. Another possible reason is that you're using code you can't easily or (don't want to) modify.


If you really do want to redirect stdin, and you're running on a Unix-like system, you can handle redirection the way the shell actually handles it: with the dup2() system call.

$ cat redir.ml
let redir fn =
    let open Unix in
    let fd = openfile fn [O_RDONLY] 0 in
    dup2 fd stdin

let () =
    redir "redir.ml";
    Printf.printf "%s\n" (read_line())
$ ocamlc -o redir unix.cma redir.ml
$ ./redir
let redir fn =


07-21 02:23