


i'm a little lost in the timezone :)

我有存储在UTC时间数据。服务器是在荷兰,所以我们生活在UTC + 1(现在,随着daylightsavingtime,在UTC + 2)

I have data stored with the time in UTC.The server is in the Netherlands, so we live in utc+1 (now, with daylightsavingtime, in utc + 2)


Now a client says: give me the data from august 5th.


So i have to calculate the utc time from 'his time'.For that i have to know:

什么是你的UTC偏移(我们保存在他的个人资料,让我们说UTC -6)你在daylightsavingtime(因为那时我们必须添加+1,使UTC偏移-5)

what is your utc offset (we stored that in his profile, let's say utc -6)are you in daylightsavingtime (because then we have to add +1 and make the utc offset -5)


  1. 我可以问.net框架:是否国家XX有daylightsavingtime

  1. Can i ask the .Net framework: does country XX have daylightsavingtime?

我可以问.net框架:是08-05-2010T00:00:00在全国XXX daylightsavingtime在那一刻

Can i ask the .Net framework: is 08-05-2010T00:00:00 in country XXX daylightsavingtime at that moment?


i've been trying the .ToLocalTime(), but this only gives me the local time at the server, and that's not what i want, i want to calculate with the timezone of the user, and also with the fact that at that particular point in time, if he/she is in daylightsavingtime


I've also seen this VB example:

TimeZone As TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("W. Europe Standard Time")
Dim Dated As DateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(TempDate, TimeZone)


but imho this doesn't take into account that the user in this timezone is or is not in a daylightsavingtime (dst) country.For instance, one user in this timezone is in the netherlands having dst, and one other is in another country which has no dst.


您不能要求框架有关特定的国家的 - 但你可以问一个特定的时区

You can't ask the framework about a particular country - but you can ask about a particular time zone.

的TimeZoneInfo 没有的考虑DST考虑。 (哎呀,那就不会有 IsDaylightSavingTime 的方法,否则。)如果你有两个用户,其中一人正在观察DST和其他的人是不是,那么他们的没有的中同一时区。

TimeZoneInfo does take DST into account. (Heck, it wouldn't have the IsDaylightSavingTime method otherwise.) If you've got two users, one of whom is currently observing DST and the other of whom isn't, then they aren't in the same time zone.

如果你可以指定哪些位置,你在说什么,我可以尝试找出区域涉及到哪些时间。 (这是通常更容易找出奥尔森的名字,但它不应该是不可能找出的Windows标识。)

If you could specify which locations you're talking about, I could try to find out which time zones are involved. (It's generally easier to find out the Olson names, but it shouldn't be impossible to find out the Windows IDs.)


09-05 19:33