


In this answer to another question, I was told that


这是我第一次听到这句话,而且我专心致志地摆弄着对作业控制(第7章)的bash.info部分,发现没有提到这两种断言。 [更新:的手册页为好一点,提典型的使用,默认设置,终端I / O,但没有真正的理由作业控制尤为不明智的脚本]

This is the first time I've heard this, and I've pored over the bash.info section on Job Control (chapter 7), finding no mention of either of these assertions. [Update: The man page is a little better, mentioning 'typical' use, default settings, and terminal I/O, but no real reason why job control is particularly ill-advised for scripts.]


So why doesn't script-based job-control work, and what makes it a bad practice (aka 'stupid')?

编辑:有问题的脚本启动一个后台进程,启动第二个后台进程,然后尝试将第一个进程重新推向前台,使其具有正常的终端I / O(好像直接运行),然后可以从脚本的外重定向的。不能做一个后台进程。

The script in question starts a background process, starts a second background process, then attempts to put the first process back into the foreground so that it has normal terminal I/O (as if run directly), which can then be redirected from outside the script. Can't do that to a background process.


As noted by the accepted answer to the other question, there exist other scripts that solve that particular problem without attempting job control. Fine. And the lambasted script uses a hard-coded job number — Obviously bad. But I'm trying to understand whether job control is a fundamentally doomed approach. It still seems like maybe it could work...



What he meant is that job control is by default turned off in non-interactive mode (i.e. in a script.)


       Job  control refers to the ability to selectively stop (suspend)
       the execution of processes and continue (resume) their execution at a
       later point.
       A user typically employs this facility via an interactive interface
       supplied jointly by the system’s terminal driver and bash.

   set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option] [arg ...]
      -m      Monitor mode.  Job control is enabled.  This option is on by
              default for interactive shells on systems that support it (see
              JOB CONTROL above).  Background processes run in a separate
              process group and a line containing their exit status  is
              printed  upon  their completion.


When he said "is stupid" he meant that not only:

  1. 是作业控制的意味着的大多为促进交互式控制(而一个脚本可以与PID的直接工作),也

  2. 我引用他原来的答复,的 ...依赖于一个事实,你没有在这是一个坏的假设,使的脚本pviously启动任何其他工作$ P $。这是相当正确的。

  1. is job control meant mostly for facilitating interactive control (whereas a script can work directly with the pid's), but also
  2. I quote his original answer, ... relies on the fact that you didn't start any other jobs previously in the script which is a bad assumption to make. Which is quite correct.


在回答您的评论:是的,没有人会阻止你在你的bash脚本使用作业控制 - 有对的强制禁用设置-m (即是,从剧本作业控制会,如果你想要的工作。)请记住,在年底,特别是在脚本中,总是有对皮肤猫不止一种方法,但有些方法是更便携,更可靠,更简单地处理错误的情况下,解析输出,等等。

In answer to your comment: yes, nobody will stop you from using job control in your bash script -- there is no hard case for forcefully disabling set -m (i.e. yes, job control from the script will work if you want it to.) Remember that in the end, especially in scripting, there always are more than one way to skin a cat, but some ways are more portable, more reliable, make it simpler to handle error cases, parse the output, etc.

您的具体情况可能会或可能无法保证的方式从什么 lhunath (和其他用户)认为最佳做法的不同。

You particular circumstances may or may not warrant a way different from what lhunath (and other users) deem "best practices".


09-04 22:31