


I have a custom Listview, each row contains one textviewand one checkbox. I am saving the value (or the text) of the selected row's textview in a public list named usercoin. Each time the user opens the app, the list usercoin will contain the text of the his textview selected items, and I am doing that using SQLite. The problem is I want to re-check the items which the usaer have previously selected which are available in the usercoin list. I am not able to do so.


    ListView mListView;
    MyAdapter adapter;
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
        mListView = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.listview);
        List<TableList> list = new List<TableList>();

        list.Add(new TableList("Germany",false));
        list.Add(new TableList("France", false));
        list.Add(new TableList("Finland", false));
        list.Add(new TableList("Germany", false));
        list.Add(new TableList("France", false));
        list.Add(new TableList("Germany", false));
        list.Add(new TableList("France", false));
        list.Add(new TableList("Finland", false));

        adapter = new MyAdapter(this, list);
        mListView.Adapter = adapter;
        mListView.ItemClick += MListView_ItemClick;

    private void MListView_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
        var t = list[e.Position];
        string selected = t.name;
        var ll = e.View as LinearLayout;
        var cb = ll.GetChildAt(2) as CheckBox;
        if (cb.Checked)
            cb.Checked = false;
            adapter.changeState((int)cb.Tag, false);
            cb.Checked = true;
            adapter.changeState((int)cb.Tag, true);

    class MyAdapter : BaseAdapter
        Context mContext;
        List<TableList> mitems;
        public MyAdapter(Context context, List<TableList> list)
            this.mContext = context;
            this.mitems = list;

        public override int Count
                return mitems.Count;

        public override Java.Lang.Object GetItem(int position)
            return mitems[position];

        public override long GetItemId(int position)
            return position;

        public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
            DataViewHolder holder = null;
            if (convertView == null)
                convertView = LayoutInflater.From(mContext).Inflate(Resource.Layout.CoinList, null, false);
                holder = new DataViewHolder();
                holder.tv = convertView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.CoinName);
                holder.iv = convertView.FindViewById<ImageView>(Resource.Id.imageView1);
                holder.cb = convertView.FindViewById<CheckBox>(Resource.Id.checkBox1);
                convertView.Tag = holder;
                holder = convertView.Tag as DataViewHolder;

            holder.cb.Tag = position;

            holder.tv.Text = mitems[position].Name;
            holder.cb.Focusable = false;
            holder.cb.Checked = mitems[position].bl;
            holder.cb.CheckedChange += Cb_CheckedChange;
            return convertView;


        private void Cb_CheckedChange(object sender, CompoundButton.CheckedChangeEventArgs e)
            var cb = sender as CheckBox;
            if (e.IsChecked && !mitems[(int)cb.Tag].bl)
                mitems[(int)cb.Tag].bl = true;
            else if (!e.IsChecked && mitems[(int)cb.Tag].bl)
                mitems[(int)cb.Tag].bl = false;

        internal void changeState(int tag, bool v)
            mitems[tag].bl = v;

    public class DataViewHolder : Java.Lang.Object
        public ImageView iv { get; set; }
        public TextView tv { get; set; }
        public CheckBox cb { get; set; }

    public class TableList : Java.Lang.Object
        private string v;

        public TableList(string name, bool b)
            this.Name = name;
            this.bl = b;
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public bool bl { get; set; }

例如,当用户运行应用程序并从listview中选择FranceGermany时,下次他打开应用程序时,usercoin列表将包含FranceGermany.现在的问题是,如何检查与listview中的那些值相对应的复选框.我试图通过在MyAdapter : BaseAdapter类中包含以下代码来做到这一点:

For example, when the user run the app and select France and Germany from the listview, next time he opens the app, the usercoin list will contain France and Germany. Now the question is how can I check the checkboxes corresponding to those values in the listview. I have tried to do so by including this code in MyAdapter : BaseAdapter class:

if (Class1.usercoin.Contains(item.CoinAbr))
                Class1.adapter[(int)holder.cb.Tag].bl = true;


But when this code get executed, the previously checked items are checked plus some other items which the user haven't checked previously are also checked. So how can I check the previously checked items in the Listview on the app start ? Please help me to find a solution.



I have stored the data(useritems) in both DataBase and memory.


If your app is killed by system or user, you can restore the data from DataBase.


If your app isn't killed by system or user, but user jump to other activity, when he back to this activity, you can use memory to restore the data.

关于数据库,我使用的是 SQLite.Net .我正在使用DBHelper来操作数据库.

About DataBase, I am use SQLite.Net. I am using DBHelper to operation the DataBase.


And I have add Application class in the app.

我已经更新了演示. 此处是gif.

I have update the demo. Here is gif.


09-03 01:55