我需要在Mac OSX上阅读图像时做一些事情,但是在调用ImageIO.read(File)时似乎挂起了。似乎没有出现堆栈跟踪,它实际上只是挂起。想知道是否有其他人遇到过这个问题?
I'm having to do some bits with reading in an image on Mac OSX, however it seems to hang when calling ImageIO.read ( File ). No stack trace seems to appear either, it literally just hangs. Was wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem?
I've been successful in writing an image, just seems to be a problem with reading. Working with .png files.
OSX 10.9.2
Java 1.7.40
OSX 10.9.2Java 1.7.40
The solution I found in the end was to do the following on the mac
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)seleniumCommonHandler.getCurrentSeleniumDriver())
BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read( scrFile );
For some reason the ImageIO no matter what I tried could not read the image directly from the file system. By using this approach I managed to get around the issue.
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