Problem: In browsers which implement requestAnimationFrame, when tab with animation is set to background (new tab opened), animation timing is borked.
Question: My understanding of requestAnimationFrame is that animation should stop when moved to a background tab, but from this example, it seems like webkit browsers complete the current animation and THEN stop.
The problem seems to come from the fact that the second and third balls need a delay before moving, requiring a setTimeout. Is there a problem with the way requestAnimationFrame is implemented in jQuery, or am I just coding this wrong?
我试着遵循 http://api.jquery.com/animate/意见一>使用延迟()和队列(),但似乎无法得到正确的效果。
I've tried to follow the advice on http://api.jquery.com/animate/ using delay() and queue(), but can't seem to get the right effect.
使用旧版本的jQuery requestAnimationFrame(1.4.2)之前。似乎是错误的。我不认为英国皇家空军的正确实施呢。
Using an old version of jQuery before requestAnimationFrame (1.4.2). Seems wrong. I don't think rAF is properly implemented yet.