本文介绍了Eclipse luna主题问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My Eclipse seems to have a problem with the themes. I use the standard dark theme that comes with it and I also use a color style to change the background/text color. I have the Luna version.

即使它接受更改,如果我点击应用和确定当我重新启动Eclipse,似乎忽略更改的颜色样式。如果我改变了特定的Java编辑器设置,同样发生了。我不改变工作空间或类似的东西...任何想法都欢迎,我不能忍受默认主题的颜色污染。 :(

Even though it does accept the changes if I hit "Apply" and "OK" when I restart Eclipse it seems to ignore the changed color style. The same happens if I change the specific "Java Editor" settings...gone. I do NOT change workspaces or something like this... Any ideas are welcome, I can't stand the color pollution of the default theme. :(


尝试这个问题(对我来说,问题是与c ++开发插件的勾结 - ):

Try this (for me the problem was a collusion with c++ development plugin - but it should solve it):

  1. 帮助> Eclipse Marketplace>搜索Eclipse Color Theme并安装

  2. 然后转到:Windows>首选项>常规>外观>并选择MoonRise主题

  3. 然后转到外观>颜色主题并选择您的主题

  1. Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Search for "Eclipse Color Theme" and install "Moonrise".
  2. Then go to: Windows > Preferences > General > Appearance > and select the MoonRise theme
  3. Then go to Appearance > Color Theme and select your theme

  • 要获得主题,请按照以下操作:


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08-27 02:11