本文介绍了jquery 和 jquery UI 有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


jQuery 和 jQuery UI 有什么区别?它们是不同的框架吗?是否需要 jQuery 库来工作 jquery UI 或两者都独立工作?任何 jQuery 选项卡插件和 jQuery UI 选项卡有什么区别?哪个更好用?

What is the difference between jQuery and jQuery UI? Are they both different frameworks? Is jQuery library needed to work jquery UI or both works standalone? what is difference between any jQuery tab plugin and jQuery UI Tab? which is better to use?


jQuery 是核心库.jQueryUI 建立在它之上.如果您使用 jQueryUI,则还必须包含 jQuery.

jQuery is the core library. jQueryUI is built on top of it. If you use jQueryUI, you must also include jQuery.

jQuery 标签先于 jQueryUI 库.jQueryUI 选项卡基于 jQuery 选项卡.jQuery Tabs 的当前版本是 Tabs 3.如果我没记错的话(我依稀记得大约一年前浏览过源代码),Tabs 3 与 jQueryUI 中的非常相似.jQueryUI 版本当然尊重 Themeroller 主题.

jQuery Tabs preceded jQueryUI library. jQueryUI Tabs is based on jQuery Tabs. The current version of jQuery Tabs is Tabs 3. If I recall correctly (I vaguely remember looking through the source code about a year ago), Tabs 3 is very similar to what's in jQueryUI. The jQueryUI version, of course, respects the Themeroller themes.

我在一个项目中使用了 jQueryUI.它有一些不错的功能,但很少有小部件,而且它似乎以极快的速度发展(似乎同样的六个小部件已经存在一年多了).也许它会得到第二次风.如果我还记得,困扰我的一件事是在许多小部件中,悬停状态和点击状态之间没有明显的区别.

I used jQueryUI in one project. It has some nice features, but there are few widgets and it seems to be advancing at a glacial pace (seems like the same six widgets have been there for over a year). Maybe it'll get a second wind. If I recall, one of the things that bothered me is that in many of the widgets, there was no visible difference between the hover state and the click state.

所以我现在不推荐 jQueryUI 用于它的小部件.您可能需要它的效果和可拖动/可放置交互处理.

So I would not recommend jQueryUI at this time for its widgets. You may want it for the effects and the draggable/dropable interactions handling.

在我看来,Google Closure 库中的小部件和 ExtJS 中的小部件似乎更有用.

The widgets in Google's Closure library and the widgets in ExtJS seem more useful, in my opinion.

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08-19 13:44