本文介绍了为什么 Pycharm 的检查员会抱怨“d = {}"?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当用 d = {} 初始化字典时,Pycharm 的代码检查器会生成一个警告,说

When initializing a dictionary with d = {} Pycharm's code inspector generates a warning, saying


如果我重写它 d = dict() 警告就会消失.由于 {} 已经 is 字典文字,我很确定该消息是错误的.此外,似乎 d = {}d = dict() 都是有效的和 Pythonic 的.

If I rewrite it d = dict() the warning goes away. Since {} already is a dictionary literal, I'm pretty sure the message is erroneous. Furthermore, it seems like both d = {} and d = dict() are valid and Pythonic.

这个相关问题似乎得出结论,选择只是风格/偏好问题:d = dict()"之间的差异;和d = {}"

This related question seems to conclude that the choice is just a matter of style/preference:differences between "d = dict()" and "d = {}"

为什么 Pycharm 会抱怨 d = {}?

Why would Pycharm complain about d = {}?


Mac 搞定了.警告实际上适用于多行,而不仅仅是被标记的那一行.

Mac nailed it. The warning actually applied to multiple lines, not just the one that was flagged.

Pycharm 似乎寻找一系列连续语句,您可以在其中初始化字典,然后在字典中设置值.例如,这将触发警告:

Pycharm seems to look for a sequence of consecutive statements where you initialize a dictionary and then set values in the dictionary. For example, this will trigger the warning:

d = {}
d['a'] = 1


d = {}
d['a'] = 1



我认为 pycharm 会触发错误,如果您有以下情况:

I think pycharm will trigger the error if you have something like:

dic = {}
dic['aaa'] = 5


dic = {'aaa': 5}

顺便说一句:如果您使用该函数,错误消失的事实并不一定意味着 pycharm 相信 dict() 是一个文字.这可能只是意味着它不会抱怨:

BTW: The fact that the error goes away if you use the function doesn't necessarily mean that pycharm believes dict() is a literal. It could just mean that it doesn't complain for:

dic = dict()
dic['aaa'] = 5


这篇关于为什么 Pycharm 的检查员会抱怨“d = {}"?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 15:02