

My lecturer has this implementation of a Linked List. The data object is the representation of a boat but the data object in the structure seems tightly coupled from my pov because data object should be separate from the linked list.

class Boatnode

        private string Owner;          // owners name
        private string Boatname;       // name of boat
        private string Boattype;        //type of boat
        private int Boatlength;         //length of boat
        private Boatnode next;            // link to next

        public Boatnode(string owner , string boatname, string boattype ,int boatlength)
            Owner = owner;  // store name
            Boatname = boatname;
            Boattype = boattype;
            Boatlength = boatlength;
            next = null;                  // initialise next

        public void setNext(Boatnode nextNode)
            next = nextNode;  // change next node

        public Boatnode getNext()
            return next;

        public string getOwner()
            return Owner;
        public string getBoatName()
        return Boatname;
        public string getBoatType()
        return Boattype;
        public int getBoatLength()
        return Boatlength;
} // end class TownNode


What I have tried:

I proposed this solution instead but he rejected it saying that the boat object was not properly encapsulated

public class Node
    public   Boat Data;
    public   Node Next;
    public  Node(Boat data)
        Data = data;

public class Queue
    private Node _head;
    private Node _tail;
    private int _count = 0;
    public Queue()
    public void Enqueue(Boat data)
        Node _newNode = new Node(data);
        if (_head == null)
            _head = _newNode;
            _tail = _head;
            _tail.Next = _newNode;
            _tail = _tail.Next;
    public Boat Dequeue()
        Boat _result = new MarinaBerthClassLibrary.Boat();
        if (_head == null)
            throw new Exception("Queue is Empty");
         _result = _head.Data;
        _head = _head.Next;
        return _result;
    public int Count
            return this._count;

    public string PrintElements()
        var node = _head;
        string[] elements = new string[_count];
        int i = 0;
        if (node!=null)
            while (node != null)
                elements[i++] = node.Data.NameOfBoat;
                node = node.Next;
            return string.Join(" ", elements);

        return ("No Data");

What would be a better implementation of this?


Boat _result = new MarinaBerthClassLibrary.Boat();


should just be

Boat _result;


You're needlessly creating an instance of Boat in your code.

private Boat _Data = null;
public Boat Data
   get { return _Data; }
   private set { _Data = value; }


That way, you retain control over the node content.


09-05 17:14