


For my webapp I'm attempting to create a div which maintains the same size regardless of zoom level. That is, if I measure the div with a real-world ruler and it is 3 inches wide, then regardless of how far I zoom in or out, it will always be 3 inches wide.

我注意到,如果我定义根 html 文档的 font-size ,则可以将相对论的 rem 用于该div及其所有子元素.

I've noticed that if I define the font-size of the root html document, then I can use the relativistic rem for that div and all of its child elements.

到目前为止,我最接近的是在 html 元素上设置 font-size:1vh; .然后,每当我使用 rem 单位时,无论缩放级别如何,div及其内容都将保持相同大小,这是完美的.

The closest I've gotten so far is setting font-size: 1vh; on the html element. Then, whenever I use rem units, the div and its contents stay the same size regardless of zoom level, which is perfect.


The only issue with this solution is that it scales with viewport height. That is, if you make your window shorter, the element will decrease in height. Similarly, if you make the window taller then the element will increase in height.


This is bad, because for all my users regardless of their monitor size I want this item to be the same size. That is, it should be 3 inches wide for everyone regardless of their viewport width, height, monitor size, or whatever.

我唯一想解决的方法是以某种方式检测浏览器的缩放级别,然后使用Javascript修改 html 元素的 font-size 属性,但该方法似乎极其挑剔,但浏览器的运作方式不是很好.

The only thing I could think of to solve this is to somehow detect browser zoom levels and then use Javascript to modify the html element's font-size property, but that approach seems extremely finicky and not very cross-browser in how well it works.



I figured this out and it seems to work. Likely going to use this unless someone comes up with a better solution:

function scaleFontSize() {
  let scaledFontSize = (16 / window.devicePixelRatio) + "px";

  document.documentElement.style["font-size"] = scaledFontSize;


window.addEventListener('resize', scaleFontSize, true);


07-21 01:27