Actually I retrieved an signed JWT for an unauthenticated user by the following code.
AWS.config.region = 'eu-central-1'; // Region
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: 'eu-central-1:cccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc',
RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::iiiiiiiiiiiii:role/Cognito_MyIdentityPoolUnauth_Role'
// Obtain Open ID Token (JWT)
AWS.config.credentials.get(function() {
How can I retrieve the public key to verify the signature?
I can only find documentation covering tokens from an user pool. As i want to handle unauthenticated users this does not help me.
AWS文档仅描述了如何检索用户池的公共密钥,但是也有针对身份池的公共密钥.而用户池公用密钥的URL( https://cognito-idp. region .amazonaws.com/ userPoolId /.well-known/jwks.json )包含用户池ID,用于身份池的网址不是.
The AWS documentation only describes how to retrieve public keys for User Pools, but there are public keys for Identity Pools as well. While the URL for User Pool public keys (https://cognito-idp.region.amazonaws.com/userPoolId/.well-known/jwks.json) contains the User Pool Id the URL for Identity Pools does not.
可以从 https://cognito- identity.amazonaws.com/.well-known/jwks_uri .这为跨区域的所有可能的身份池提供了公共密钥.
Public Keys for Cognito Identity Pools can be retrieved from https://cognito-identity.amazonaws.com/.well-known/jwks_uri.This provides the public keys for all possible Identity Pools across regions.
要标识正确的密钥,您必须检查Open Id Token标头.财产小子在密钥列表中标识了正确的密钥.
To identitfy the right key you have to inspect the Open Id Token header.The property kid identifies the right key in the key list.
"kid": "eu-central-11",
"typ": "JWS",
"alg": "RS512"
E.g. in this case the right jwk would be:
kty: "RSA",
alg: "RS512",
use: "sig",
kid: "eu-central-11",
n: "AL9Kz62JHMpn5kBEqyoaXkM56x3l3Wi0kg0Juv71QtXo5M4ZJYxouKdcrKfevYTRNm6DE0hTbJnyj7Bh4EYbmruGdSWE970xkcFJxcgak0j4rneRX5G1E/xN27M42OOLmZCe8O6l3nksD0XGOqBPqOSEP3pYCNAYMncpSGnit56fUX+yszfMjGP3DVSUFZKtXbqwt/S0VpBi5BQbbD57R8DKenQsPfln91tgGopmXP66vZ4yWRUzs/mqHxcez3FcgHHXc6AbEJ6GOSVd9t+BCUW5kVY0aYO301PJczvB3zfsI6qebjS6BFTvMp8SqK532ZRnXEMgs/5gc9cfxpDsgvk=",
e: "AQAB"