Is it possible to iterate each pixel of a bitmap image? Eventually what I'm trying to achieve is that I need to get the coordinate values of each pixel of a bitmap image and change the color of those pixels according to their coordinate values. As I see it, I need to use the getPixels() method but I still did not understand exactly what I should do.
If, as you say, you are only setting the pixels based on their x and y, you need neither getPixel() nor getPixels()!
for( var j:int = 0; j < myBitmapData.height; j++ )
for( var i:int = 0; i < myBitmapData.width; i++ )
var alpha:uint = 0xFF000000; // Alpha is always 100%
var red:uint = 0x00FF0000 * ( i / myBitmapData.width ); // Set red based on x
var green:uint = 0x0000FF00 * ( j / myBitmapData.height ); // Set green based on y
var newColor:uint = alpha + red + green; // Add the components
// Set the new pixel value (setPixel32() includes alpha, e.g. 0xFFFF0000 => alpha=FF, red=FF, green=00, blue=00)
myBitmapData.setPixel32( i, j, newColor );
If, however, you want to read the pixels' current value, let me join the speed competition.
In addition to earlier answers, here's much more speed increase!
Instead of numerous calls to getPixel(), you can use getPixels() to get a byteArray of the pixel data.
var numPixels:int = myBitmapData.width * myBitmapData.height;
var pixels:ByteArray = myBitmapData.getPixels( new Rectangle( 0, 0, myBitmapData.width, myBitmapData.height ) );
for( var i:int = 0; i < numPixels; i++ )
// Read the color data
var color:uint = pixels.readUnsignedInt();
// Change it if you like
// Write it to the pixel (setPixel32() includes alpha, e.g. 0xFFFF0000 => alpha=FF, red=FF, green=00, blue=00)
var theX:int = i % myBitmapData.width;
myBitmapData.setPixel32( theX, ( i - theX ) / myBitmapData.width, color );