


Alright, I am not familiar with structs or the ordeal I am dealing with in Swift, but what I need to do is create an iMessage in my iMessage app extension with a sticker in it, meaning the image part of the iMessage is set to the sticker.

我已经仔细研究过Apple的文档和 https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/ios-10-imessages-sdk-creating-an-imessages-extension ,但我不知道该怎么做或结构实际上是如何工作的.我阅读了结构,但这并没有帮助我完成Apple在其示例代码(可从Apple下载)中所做的工作

I have pored over Apple's docs and https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/ios-10-imessages-sdk-creating-an-imessages-extension but I do not understand how to do this or really how structs work. I read up on structs but that has not helped me accomplishing what Apple does in their sample code (downloadable at Apple)


What Apple does is they first compose a message, which I understood, taking their struct as a property, but I take sticker instead

guard let conversation = activeConversation else { fatalError("Expected a conversation") }
        //Create a new message with the same session as any currently selected message.
        let message = composeMessage(with: MSSticker, caption: "sup", session: conversation.selectedMessage?.session)

        // Add the message to the conversation.
        conversation.insert(message) { error in
            if let error = error {


They then do this (this is directly from sample code) to compose the message:

   fileprivate func composeMessage(with iceCream: IceCream, caption: String, session: MSSession? = nil) -> MSMessage {
        var components = URLComponents()
        components.queryItems = iceCream.queryItems

        let layout = MSMessageTemplateLayout()
        layout.image = iceCream.renderSticker(opaque: true)
        layout.caption = caption

        let message = MSMessage(session: session ?? MSSession())
        message.url = components.url!
        message.layout = layout

        return message


Basically this line is what Im having the problem with as I need to set my sticker as the image:

layout.image = iceCream.renderSticker(opaque: true)


Apple does a whole complicated function thing that I don't understand in renderSticker to pull the image part out of their stickers, and I have tried their way but I think this is better:

let img = UIImage(contentsOfURL: square.imageFileURL)
        layout.image = ing


layout.image needs a UIImage, and I can get the imageFileURL from the sticker, I just cant get this into a UIImage. I get an error it does not match available overloads.


What can I do here? How can I insert the image from my sticker into a message? How can I get an image from its imageFileURL?



There is no init(contentsOfURL:) initializer for UIImage. The closest one is init(contentsOfFile:).


To use that one with your file URL you can do:

let img = UIImage(contentsOfFile: square.imageFileURL.path)


08-20 12:04