我有一个表单,其中包含 FileField
以及其他字段.想象一下,用户选择了一个文件,按下提交,另一个字段触发了 ValidationError.当我取回表单时,页面上有错误,用户为文件字段选择的内容已经消失.我可以让它出现吗,还是浏览器的问题?
I have a form which has a FileField
among other fields. Imagine the user chooses a file, presses submit and another field triggers a ValidationError.When I get back the form, with the errors on the page, what the user chose for the file field is gone. Can I make it appear, or is this a browser thing?
这是浏览器的问题 - 出于安全原因,您不能预先填充文件输入,否则很容易诱骗用户从他们的系统上传文件没有他们的明确行动.
This is a browser thing - for security reasons, you can't prepopulate a file input, otherwise it would be easy to trick users into uploading files from their system without their explicit action.