


I'm trying to create code that will search for a color value such as "blue" in a cell and if it is found in that cell, paste that value into another cell, and repeat this for a range of a couple hundred colors.


Once that happens, to do the same process again for the next cell down in the column, and pasting into another cell in the corresponding row, until each populated cell has been searched for all color values.


I've got the code to create an Excel sheet that will pull a few predefined values, but I'm not sure how I will expand the code to include hundreds of different colors.

#Excel Project to fill attributes quickly.

#Importing Modules
import os, openpyxl

#defining variables
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
sheet = wb['Sheet']

#Asking for your category
x = input('What is your category?')

#Writing header
sheet['A1'] = 'Short Description'
sheet['B1'] = 'Long Description'
sheet['C1'] = 'Item'
sheet['J1'] = 'Color'

#writing attribute values
sheet['A2'] = 'Amazing blue shiny fantastic shirt ee-9003'
sheet['A3'] = 'Red dull jacket'

#Writing values for "Color"

if 'Red' or 'red' in sheet['A2'].value:
    sheet['J2'] = 'Red'
elif 'Orange' or 'orange' in sheet['A2'].value:
    sheet['J2'] = 'Orange'
elif 'Blue' or 'blue' in sheet['A2'].value:
        sheet['J2'] = 'Blue'

if 'Red' or 'red' in sheet['A3'].value:
    sheet['J3'] = 'Red'
elif 'Blue' or 'blue' in sheet['A3'].value:
    sheet['J3'] = 'Blue'

#Saving to your desktop
wb.save('Attributes_filled_' + str(x) + '.xlsx')


I expect the code to produce "blue" the first time, and "red" the second time for my code so far, but depending on how I order the code, I get the first if statement result.


if 'Red' or 'red' in sheet['A2'].value:始终被视为True,因为非空字符串被视为True.所以实际上它与if True or 'red' in sheet['A2'].value:

if 'Red' or 'red' in sheet['A2'].value: is always considered True because non-empty strings are considered True.So in fact it's the same as if True or 'red' in sheet['A2'].value:


  • 常量定义为false:无"和"False".
  • 任何数字类型的零:00.00jDecimal(0)Fraction(0, 1)
  • 空序列和集合:''()[]{}set()range(0)
  • constants defined to be false: None and False.
  • zero of any numeric type: 0, 0.0, 0j, Decimal(0), Fraction(0, 1)
  • empty sequences and collections: '', (), [], {}, set(), range(0)


any of the following would fix your problem:

if 'red' in sheet['A3'].value.lower():

if 'Red' in sheet['A3'].value or 'red' in sheet['A3'].value:

if any(color in sheet['A3'].value for color in ('Red', 'red')):

同样适用于所有if/elif条件.另请注意,如果该字符串是较大字符串的一部分,它将仍然返回True,即'Blue" in "I've Got The Blues"将被评估为True

Same apply for all of your if/elif conditions.Also note that if the string is part of bigger string it will still return True, i.e.'Blue" in "I've Got The Blues" will be evaluated True


Because of discussion in the comments, I replace evaluate with considered.


08-18 19:39