

我想了解是否有任何方法可以编写在iOS 4.x下运行的真实守护程序(或服务)。

I would like to understand if there is any way to write a real daemon (or service) running under iOS 4.x.


Note that I understand that the official SDK does not allow for such things to be distributed on the AppStore, but what if I wanted, for example, to distribute my app using the "enterprise" program to a set of employees?


And no, I do not want to Jailbreak my employees' iphones.



I guess the answer is 'sort of'. If you don't want to jailbreak phones, your options are rather limited. As long as you're only intending to distribute internally, you can look into the VOIP background services.

它是iOS 4后台服务的一部分,旨在允许VOIP应用程序在后台持续运行以接收诸如来电等事件。这是可能的使用它来实现其他事情,例如定期安排的服务(我认为最近有一个问题,有人想用它作为'数据计数器',再次用于企业程序)。

It's part of iOS 4's background services, and is intended to allow VOIP apps to run constantly in the background to pick up events such as incoming calls, etc. It is possible to use it to achieve other things, such as a regularly scheduled service (I think there was a recent question where somebody wanted to use it to act as a 'data counter', again for the enterprise program).

这不是一个正确或正确的解决方案,但它是你所拥有的最好的,除非你想要越狱你的手机 - 并且毫无疑问它不适合将应用程序分发到商店。

It's not really a 'correct' or proper solution, but it's the best you've got unless you want to jailbreak your phones - and it goes without saying it's unsuitable for apps to be distributed on the store.


08-20 05:58