


我有一个称为 timer1 的计时器框 TimeElapsedTextBox double 变量 TimeTakenToFinish

I have a timer called timer1 and a text box called TimeElapsedTextBox and a double variable called TimeTakenToFinishthe timer ticks every 1 second (1000 millisecond)in the text box, I want it to display the time in this format:



private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  TimeTakenToFinish += (double)timer1.Interval / 10000;
  TimeElapsedTextBox.Text = TimeTakenToFinish;


it is actually displaying it in the text box the way i want it,but it's not counting properly ..I mean, it's counting less than a real second..


could you please tell me how to fix this ..


您的问题是对操作系统工作方式的误解。当然,您可以将间隔设置为 1000ms ,但是您不能期望它实际上每秒都在计时。您正在Windows而不是硬(或软)实时操作系统上运行代码。

Your problem here is a misunderstanding of the way your OS works. Sure, you can set the interval to 1000ms, but you cannot expect it to actually tick every second. You are running code on Windows, not a hard (or soft) real time operating system.


As an aside, you should also know that the resolution of your timer is finite, and as of today, limited to the accuracy of your system timer, which is probably about 15ms.


You cannot expect your code to perform that deterministically in that sort of environment. At any point the OS can preemptively kick you out of the CPU and start working on another task.


You simply cannot get the accuracy you desire, though I would ask; is it actually required? Probably not, but you haven't told us what you are actually trying to accomplish here, so who knows?


TimeTakenToFinish += (double)timer1.Interval / 10000;

时间间隔是用于大致告诉计时器应该多久触发一次 Tick 事件。您实际上并没有测量任何东西,您最好每次都将 1000.0 / 10000 添加到您的计数器。

Interval is a property which is used to tell the timer roughly how often it should fire the Tick event. You are not actually measuring anything, you may as well just be adding 1000.0 / 10000 to your counter every time.

如果需要更高的精度,请使用 StopWatch 类,该类使用CPU的高性能计时器(如果有)。您仍然可以使用计时器根据秒表的当前经过的值定期更新UI,即

If you need more precision use the StopWatch class which uses your CPU's high performance timer if available. You can still use a timer to periodically update the UI based on the current elapsed value of the Stopwatch, i.e.,

void timer1_Tick(...)
    var totalSeconds = _someStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;
    TimeElapsedTextBox.Text = totalSeconds.ToString();


07-22 23:55