本文介绍了NHibernate QueryOver子查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've looked at the similar questions, but can't find a simple explanation. I could have missed it, but I promise I looked. Actually I can't even find the documentation other than a single blog post that glosses over everything rapidly and assumes you're familiar with other forms of NH.


Given a many-to-many between Program and Topic, where the latter is in a hierarchy of Topics, I want to retrieve all the Programs for a given Topic, possibly including its subtopics. Since a program may be listed under multiple sub-topics of a given parent topic, I need to use a subquery or deal with having to use distinct (and the simple approach of TransformUsing(Transformers.DistinctRootEntity) didn't work).


SELECT ProgramId, Title, bar, baz, foo FROM Programs
WHERE ProgramId IN
 (SELECT ProgramId from Program_Topics WHERE TopicId IN (1, 2, ...))


The results are cast into a model type for transfer to the view. My initial attempt was this:

ProgramDTO pDTO = null;

/* topicIds is List<int> passed into function */

var query = Session.QueryOver<Program>()
.JoinQueryOver<Topic>(p => p.Topics)
.WhereRestrictionOn(pt => pt.Id).IsInG<int>(topicIds)
.SelectList(list => list
        .Select(program => program.Id).WithAlias(() => pDTO.Id)
        .Select(program => program.Title).WithAlias(() => pDTO.Title)
        .Select(program => program.Location).WithAlias(() => pDTO.Location)
        .Select(program => program.Description).WithAlias(() => pDTO.Description)

return query.List<ProgramDTO>();


Obviously this runs a join instead of a subquery, but I can't find an example of doing a subquery with a many-to-many like this.

public class Program : Entity {
    public virtual ISet<Topic> Topics { get; protected internal set; }

public class Topic : Entity {
    public virtual ISet<Program> Programs { get; protected internal set; }
    public virtual Topic ParentTopic { get; protected internal set; }



Well, hashed at this some more, and while I don't like one part of the results, it does work:

var distinctProgIdsSubQuery = QueryOver.Of<Program>().
JoinQueryOver<Topic>(p => p.Topics).
WhereRestrictionOn(pt => pt.Id).IsIn(topicIds)
.Select(Projections.Distinct(Projections.Property<Program>(p => p.Id)));

ProgramDTO pDTO = null;
var progQuery = Session.QueryOver<Program>()
    .WithSubquery.WhereProperty(p => p.Id).In(distinctProgIdsSubQuery)
    .SelectList(list => list
        .Select(program => program.Id).WithAlias(() => pDTO.Id)

return progQuery.List<ProgramDTO>();


SELECT this_.ProgramId as y0_, ...
FROM Programs this_
WHERE this_.ProgramId in (
        SELECT distinct this_0_.ProgramId as y0_
            Programs this_0_
        inner join
            Programs_Topics topics3_
                on this_0_.ProgramId=topics3_.ProgramId
        inner join
            Topics topic1_
                on topics3_.TopicId=topic1_.TopicId
            topic1_.TopicId in (
                @p1, @p2, ...

这可能是NH的局限性,但是不需要需要来连接子查询中的 Programs 表.我试图从另一个方向写这个-即创建一个QueryOver.Of<Topic>(),但是我不知道如何最后选择程序ID-select仅给了我TopicId,即使这样,查询仍在联接所有三个表.

This may be a limitation of NH, but there's no need to join the Programs table in the subquery. I tried to write this from the other direction -- that is, to create a QueryOver.Of<Topic>(), but I could not figure out how to select the program IDs at the end -- select was only giving me the TopicIds, and even then the query was still joining all three tables.


I'm not sure if MS-SQL's query optimizer will avoid the useless join or not, but it would be nice if we didn't have to rely on it.


For now though, this works, and hopefully someone else has fewer headaches than I did trying to figure this out.

这篇关于NHibernate QueryOver子查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-21 00:07