如何在 Perl 的正则表达式中进行以下转换?
How do I do the following conversion in regex in Perl?
British style US style
"2009-27-02" => "2009-02-27"
我是 Perl 的新手,对正则表达式知之甚少,我能想到的就是提取-"的不同部分,然后重新连接字符串,因为我需要即时进行转换,我觉得我的方法会非常缓慢和丑陋.
I am new to Perl and don't know much about regex, all I can think of is to extract different parts of the "-" then re-concatenate the string, since I need to do the conversion on the fly, I felt my approach will be pretty slow and ugly.
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
my $date = "2009-27-02";
$date =~ s/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/$1-$3-$2/;
say $date;