I have the below Powershell script which works great to convert excel files to csv. I am running into one final problem, when running this over special characters, these are being lost or replaced. To solve this I would like to save the files encoded using UTF-8 when saving to csv.
阅读 Microsoft文档我相信我需要在.SaveAs子句中更改参数以对文件进行编码,但是我找不到能正常工作的示例.
After reading the Microsoft documentation I believe I need to change a parameter in the .SaveAs clause to encode the file, however I couldn't find an example with this working.
What is the correct parameter to add in order to allow the csv files to be saved with the desired encoding?
$InputDirectory = 'Files are here'
$OutputDirectory = 'Files go here'
#Function to change excel files to csv
Function ExcelCSV ($File)
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $false
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($File.FullName)
foreach ($ws in $wb.Worksheets)
$ws.SaveAs(("{0}{1}" -f $OuputDirectory,$Files.Name -replace ‘.xlsx$’,"") + ".csv", 6)
$wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Close()
#Looping through files, checking their extensions, converting excel to csv.
foreach ($Files in (Get-ChildItem -Path $InputDirectory))
$extn = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($Files)
if ($extn -eq ".xlsx")
Elseif ($extn -eq ".xls")
Copy-Item ("{0}{1}" -f $InputDirectory,$Files.Name) ("{0}{1}" -f $OuputDirectory,$Files.Name)
I don't think this can be done in Excel without some workarounds. Here is the one I created when I faced that problem:
Here, each sheet is converted to CSV.
此解决方案导出为UnicodeText. CRLF可以在下一行传递,但位于"
This solution exports as UnicodeText. CRLFs can pass on next line but are inside "
(this might be a problem for some CSV readers). The only small problem is that it kills or running Excels and I didn't find a way around it.
这篇关于Powershell Excel-使用编码将文件保存为Unicode UTF-8的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!