本文介绍了SQL proc图生成程序的软件流程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Oracle 2000+系列中有几个很长的处理程序,并且有很多调用。而且我想生成程序流程图(算法)以更好地了解进一步重构的过程。

I have a couple of very long procs in Oracle 2000+ lines with lots of calls. And I'd like to generate program flow Diagram (algorithm) for better understanding of the process for further refactoring.


It's not the code I wrote so I don't know the logic enough.


What would you advise to do in this case? I tried to draw a text-like flow but it takes lots of time and still hard to cover all the logic for understanding.

我看到的最佳方法是从SQL proc生成的流程图,该流程图具有在代码和图表之间跳转的链接。

The best approach I see would be flow chart generated from SQL proc with links to "jump" between code and chart.


UPDATE:Found couple of software doing the same:

  1. ClearSQL-创建CRUD图,调用图和流程图。

  1. ClearSQL - makes CRUD diagrams, call map, and flow chart.

Quest SQL Navigator Expert(现在使用):它具有Outline(makes)具有折叠代码块功能的代码流-真的很酷!),代码资源管理器(枚举所有带有func,params以及SQL文本链接的参数-仅在界面中)功能

Quest SQL Navigator Expert (using it now): it has Outline (makes code flow with ability to collapse-expand blocks of code - really cool one!), Code Explorer (enumerates all func, params with links ti SQL text - just in interface) features


有一种产品,它可以采用多种语言编写代码,并可以执行您所描述的内容。不幸的是,尽管Oracle似乎不在支持的语言列表中,但Microsoft TSQL却在其中。也许您至少可以将proc从Oracle转换为MS,然后使用它来大致可视化proc的流程。

There is a product, Code Visual to Flowchart, which can take code in various languages and do something like what you're describing. Unfortunately though Oracle doesn't appear to be in the list of supported languages, but Microsoft TSQL is; maybe you could at least translate your proc from Oracle into MS and use this to roughly visualize your proc's flow.


Failing that burnall's suggestion sounds like the best way to go, essentially divide and conquer.

这篇关于SQL proc图生成程序的软件流程的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 05:21