I have ftp server and I cannot install additional software on it. Is it possible to create on it git repository and clone to local pc? I tried to create local repository and copied it to ftp. Will it work? How can I clone from ftp server?
- Git fails to push to ftp-server
- Does GIT support push to an ftp server?
... which might have a solution that's suitable for your case.
你不会说你正在使用什么操作系统,但是如果它是基于Linux的我会尝试使用。 (nb我从来没有试过fuseftp,我自己,所以我不能推荐或推荐它。)毫无疑问Windows也有相应的功能。
You don't say what operating system you're using, but if it's Linux-based what I would try is to mount the FTP server as part of your local filesystem with FUSE + fuseftp. If you're using Mac OS, you could similarly try MacFuse. (n.b. I've never tried fuseftp, myself, so I'm not in a position to recommend or disrecommend it.) No doubt there are equivalents for Windows as well.
那么你应该能够在挂载的目录下运行 git init --bare
挂钩,以便在每次推送后运行 git update-server-info
否则当用 ftp://
Then you should just be able to run git init --bare
in the mounted directory and push and pull from it as it it were a local repository. You should also enable the example post-update
hook so that git update-server-info
is run after each push - otherwise people will have problems when interacting with the server with an ftp://
repository URL.