This seems like it should be pretty simple but my searching hasn't turned anything up.
I have an array of objects that looks like this:
我想把它压缩成看起来像这样的东西(我认为是一个 reduce 函数):
I want to flatten it down to something that looks like this (what I would think of as a reduce function):
{"A": 11, "B": 5, "C": 1}
对象的起始数组是一个更大、更复杂的起始对象转换的产物.重要的细节是键本身是任意值(即您可能会看到D"和E",但代码本身需要对此视而不见).我已经使用 Underscore.js 达到了这一点,我希望找到类似的简洁、功能风格的解决方案.
The starting array of objects is the product of the transformation of a much larger and more complex starting object. The important detail is that the keys themselves are of arbitrary values (i.e. you might see 'D's and 'E's but the code itself needs to be blind to this). I've gotten to this point using Underscore.js and I'm hoping to find similarly clean, functional-style solution.
Get the key/value pairs and update the sum.
var data = [{ A: 4, B: 2 }, { A: 2, B: 1 }, { A: 3, B: 1 }, { A: 2, B: 1, C: 1 }],
result = data.reduce((r, o) => (Object.entries(o).forEach(([k, v]) => r[k] = (r[k] || 0) + v), r), {});