


I am relatively new to all this low level stuff,assembly language.. and want to learn more detail. Why there is a difference between Linux, Windows Assembly languages?


As I understand when I compile a C code Operating system does not really produce pure machine or assembly code, it produces OS dependent binary code.But why ?

例如,当我使用x86系统时,CPU只能理解x86 ASM吗?那么为什么我们不编写纯x86汇编代码,以及为什么基于操作系统存在不同的汇编版本呢?如果我们要编写纯ASM或OS生成纯ASM,那么在操作系统之间是否不会存在二进制兼容性问题?

For example when I use a x86 system, CPU only understands x86 ASM am I right?.So Why we dont write pure x86 assembly code and why there are different assembly variations based on Operating system? If we would write pure ASM or OS produce pure ASM there wouldn't be binary compatilibty issues between Operating systems or Not ?


I am really wondering all reasons behind them. Any detailed answer, article, book would be great. Thanks.


没有区别.如果处理器相同,则汇编代码相同. Windows上编译的x86代码与Linux上的x86代码二进制兼容.编译器不会产生与操作系统相关的二进制代码,但可以将代码打包为其他格式(例如PE与ELF).

There is no difference. The assembly code is the same if the processor is the same. x86 code compiled on Windows is binary compatible with x86 code on Linux. The compiler does not produce OS-dependent binary code, but it may package the code in a different format (e.g. PE vs. ELF).


The difference is in which libraries are used. In order to use OS stuff (I/O for example) you must link against the operating system's libraries. Unsurprisingly, Windows system libraries are not available on a Linux machine (unless you have Wine of course) and vice-versa.


08-21 17:08