本文介绍了将文件从 Firebase Cloud Functions 上传到 Cloud Storage的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


文档太复杂了,我无法理解.它展示了如何将文件从 Cloud Storage 下载到 Cloud Functions、操作文件,然后将新文件上传到 Cloud Storage.我只想查看将文件从 Cloud Functions 上传到 Cloud Storage 的基本、最低限度的说明.为什么这不起作用:

The documentation is too complex for me to understand. It shows how to download a file from Cloud Storage to Cloud Functions, manipulate the file, and then upload the new file to Cloud Storage. I just want to see the basic, minimum instructions for uploading a file from Cloud Functions to Cloud Storage. Why doesn't this work:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');


exports.storage = functions.firestore.document('Test_Value').onUpdate((change, context) => {

  var metadata = {
    contentType: 'text',

  admin.storage().ref().put( {'test': 'test'}, metadata)
  .then(function() {
    console.log("Document written.");
  .catch(function(error) {


错误信息是admin.storage(...).ref is not a function.我猜 firebase-admin 包括 Firestore 但不包括存储?我应该使用 @google-cloud/storage 而不是 firebase-admin?为什么这不起作用:

The error message is admin.storage(...).ref is not a function. I'm guessing that firebase-admin includes Firestore but not Storage? Instead of firebase-admin should I use @google-cloud/storage? Why doesn't this work:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage')();
const storage = new Storage();


exports.storage = functions.firestore.document('Test_Value').onUpdate((change, context) => {

  storage.bucket().upload( {'test': 'test'} , {
    metadata: {
      contentType: 'text'



I can't even deploy this code, the error message is

Error parsing triggers: Cannot find module './clone.js'

显然缺少一个 npm 模块依赖项?但是模块不叫clone.js?我尝试要求 child-process-promisepathosfs;none 修复了丢失的 clone.js 错误.

Apparently a npm module dependency is missing? But the module isn't called clone.js? I tried requiring child-process-promise, path, os, and fs; none fixed the missing clone.js error.

为什么 admin.initializeApp(); 缺少参数,而在我的 index.html 文件中我有:

Why does admin.initializeApp(); lack parameters, when in my index.html file I have:

    apiKey: 'swordfish',
    authDomain: 'myapp.firebaseapp.com',
    databaseURL: "https://myapp.firebaseio.com",
    projectId: 'myapp',
    storageBucket: "myapp.appspot.com"


npm list -g --depth=0

├── child_process@1.0.2
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY  error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/TDK/.nvm/versions/node/v6.11.2/lib/node_modules/firebase-admin/package.json
├── firebase-functions@2.1.0
├── firebase-tools@6.0.1
├── firestore-backup-restore@1.3.1
├── fs@0.0.2
├── npm@6.4.1
├── npm-check@5.9.0
├── protractor@5.4.1
├── request@2.88.0
└── watson-developer-cloud@3.13.0

换句话说,firebase-adminNode 6.11.2 有问题.我应该使用 Node 版本管理器恢复到旧版本的 Node 吗?

In other words, there's something wrong with firebase-admin, or with Node 6.11.2. Should I use a Node Version Manager to revert to an older version of Node?


我通过 Google Cloud Functions 将文件从硬盘上传到 Firebase Cloud Storage.首先,我找到了 Google Cloud Functions 的 文档 bucket.upload.

I uploaded a file from my hard drive to Firebase Cloud Storage via Google Cloud Functions. First, I found the documentation for Google Cloud Functions bucket.upload.

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

exports.Storage = functions.firestore.document('Storage_Value').onUpdate((change, context) => {

  const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
  const storage = new Storage();
  const bucket = storage.bucket('myapp.appspot.com');

  const options = {
    destination: 'Test_Folder/hello_world.dog'

  bucket.upload('hello_world.ogg', options).then(function(data) {
    const file = data[0];

  return 0;

前三行是 Cloud Functions 样板.下一行

The first three lines are Cloud Functions boilerplate. The next line

exports.Storage = functions.firestore.document('Storage_Value').onUpdate((change, context) => {

创建云函数并设置触发器.接下来的三行更多的是 Google Cloud 样板.

creates the Cloud Function and sets the trigger. The next three lines are more Google Cloud boilerplate.

剩下的代码在我的项目目录的functions文件夹中找到我电脑硬盘上的hello_world.ogg文件,并上传到目录Test_Folder 并将文件名更改为我的 Firebase Cloud Storage 中的 hello_world.dog.这将返回一个承诺,并且下一行 const file = data[0]; 是不必要的,除非您想对该文件执行其他操作.

The rest of the code locates the file hello_world.ogg on my computer's hard drive in the functions folder of my project directory and uploads it to the directory Test_Folder and changes the name of the file to hello_world.dog in my Firebase Cloud Storage. This returns a promise, and the next line const file = data[0]; is unnecessary unless you want to do something else with the file.

最后我们return 0;.此行除了防止错误消息之外什么都不做

Lastly we return 0;. This line does nothing except prevent the error message

Function returned undefined, expected Promise or Value

这篇关于将文件从 Firebase Cloud Functions 上传到 Cloud Storage的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-21 01:44