

此android应用"Plan B"声称您可以远程安装和运行它,而无需将手机放在面前.

This android app "Plan B" claims that you can install and run it remotely, without having the phone in front of you.



Is this a new type of android feature? Is this available to any android developer? Has anyone used it? (Installing an app remotely)


监视((计划B"的开发者)正在利用新的 Google市场网站,允许用户从网络上将市场应用程序安装到手机上.要引用 Google移动博客:

Lookout (the developer of ("Plan B") is taking advantage of the ability provided by the new Google Market website that allows users to install market apps to their phones from the web. To quote from the Google Mobile Blog:


Looking at the permissions the app uses, you can see that they have the ability to "receive SMS" messages. They probably use a method like this to remotely start their app. When an SMS message is received, the app starts, checks to see if the special message it is looking for has been received, and if so, begins performing its location function.

<receiver android:name=".SMSReceiver">
        <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />


07-20 22:23