


We recently completed a conversion from Mercurial to Git, everything went smoothly, we were even able to get the transforms needed to make everything look / work relatively correctly in the repository. We added a .gitignore and got underway.

但是,一旦我们与任何旧功能分支合并/一起工作,我们就会遇到一些极端的问题.经过一番探索,我们发现由于.gitignore仅在查看其他提交而不合并开发时才添加到develop分支,因此git chuggs是令人沮丧的,因为它试图分析我们所有的构建工件(二进制文件)等...因为这些旧分支没有.gitignore文件.

However we're experiencing some extreme slowdowns as soon as we encorporate/work with any of our old feature branches. A little exploring and we found that since the .gitignore was only added to the develop branch when we look at other commits without merging develop up into them git chuggs because it's choking trying to analyze all our build artifacts (binary files) etc... since there was no .gitignore file for these old branches.


What we'd like to do is effectively insert a new root commit with the .gitignore so it would retroactively populate in all heads/tags. We're comfortable with a re-write of history, our team is relatively small so getting everyone to halt for this operation and re-pull thier repositories when the history re-write is done is no problem.


I've found information about rebasing master onto a new root commit and this works for master, the problem is it leaves our feature branches detached on the old history tree, it also replays the entire history with a new commit date/time.


Any ideas or are we out of luck on this one?


您想要做的事情将涉及两个阶段:追溯添加具有合适的.gitignore的新根目录,并清理您的历史记录以删除本不应该被删除的文件.添加. git filter-branch命令可以同时做到.

What you want to do will involve two phases: retroactively add a new root with a suitable .gitignore and scrub your history to remove files that should not have been added. The git filter-branch command can do both.


Consider a representative of your history.

$ git lola --name-status
* f1af2bf (HEAD, bar-feature) Add bar
| A     .gitignore
| A     bar.c
| D     main.o
| D     module.o
| * 71f711a (master) Add foo
|   A   foo.c
|   A   foo.o
* 7f1a361 Commit 2
| A     module.c
| A     module.o
* eb21590 Commit 1
  A     main.c
  A     main.o


For clarity, the *.c files represent C source files and *.o are compiled object files that should have been ignored.


On the bar-feature branch, you added a suitable .gitignore and deleted object files that should not have been tracked, but you want that policy reflected everywhere in your import.

请注意,git lola非标准但有用的别名.

Note that git lola is a non-standard but useful alias.

git config --global alias.lola \
  'log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all'



New Root Commit

Create the new root commit as follows.

$ git checkout --orphan new-root
Switched to a new branch 'new-root'

git checkout文档记录了新的孤立分支的可能意外状态.

The git checkout documentation notes a possible unanticipated state of the new orphan branch.


$ git rm -rf .
rm 'foo.c'
rm 'foo.o'
rm 'main.c'
rm 'main.o'
rm 'module.c'
rm 'module.o'

$ echo '*.o' >.gitignore

$ git add .gitignore

$ git commit -m 'Create .gitignore'
[new-root (root-commit) 00c7780] Create .gitignore
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitignore


$ git lola
* 00c7780 (HEAD, new-root) Create .gitignore
* f1af2bf(bar-feature) Add bar
| * 71f711a (master) Add foo
* 7f1a361 Commit 2
* eb21590 Commit 1


That is slightly misleading because it makes new-root look like it is a descendant of bar-feature, but it really has no parent.

$ git rev-parse HEAD^
fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD^': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'


Make note of the SHA for the orphan because you will need it later. In this example, it is

$ git rev-parse HEAD


我们希望git filter-branch进行三项重大更改.

Rewriting History

We want git filter-branch to make three broad changes.

  1. 接合新的根落实.
  2. 删除所有临时文件.
  3. 使用新根目录中的.gitignore,除非已经存在.
  1. Splice in the new root commit.
  2. Delete all the temporary files.
  3. Use the .gitignore from the new root unless one already exists.


git filter-branch \
  --parent-filter '
    test $GIT_COMMIT = eb215900cd15ca2cf9ded74f1a0d9d25f65eb2bf && \
              echo "-p 00c778087723ae890e803043493214fb09706ec7" \
      || cat' \
  --index-filter '
    git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch "*.o"; \
    git ls-files --cached --error-unmatch .gitignore >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
      git update-index --add --cacheinfo \
        100644,$(git rev-parse new-root:.gitignore),.gitignore' \
  --tag-name-filter cat \
  -- --all


  • --parent-filter选项挂接新的root提交.
    • eb215...是旧的根提交 cf. git rev-parse eb215
    • 的完整SHA
    • The --parent-filter option hooks in your new root commit.
      • eb215... is the full SHA of the old root commit, cf. git rev-parse eb215
      • 如上所述,运行git rm会从整个树中删除所有与*.o匹配的内容,因为glob模式是由git而不是shell引用和解释的.
      • 使用git ls-files检查现有的.gitignore,如果不存在,请指向new-root中的一个.
      • Running git rm as above deletes anything matching *.o from the entire tree because the glob pattern is quoted and interpreted by git rather than the shell.
      • Check for an existing .gitignore with git ls-files, and if it is not there, point to the one in new-root.


      Rewrite eb215900cd15ca2cf9ded74f1a0d9d25f65eb2bf (1/5)rm 'main.o'
      Rewrite 7f1a361ee918f7062f686e26b57788dd65bb5fe1 (2/5)rm 'main.o'
      rm 'module.o'
      Rewrite 71f711a15fa1fc60542cc71c9ff4c66b4303e603 (3/5)rm 'foo.o'
      rm 'main.o'
      rm 'module.o'
      Rewrite f1af2bf89ed2236fdaf2a1a75a34c911efbd5982 (5/5)
      Ref 'refs/heads/bar-feature' was rewritten
      Ref 'refs/heads/master' was rewritten
      WARNING: Ref 'refs/heads/new-root' is unchanged


      Your originals are still safe. The master branch now lives under refs/original/refs/heads/master, for example. Review the changes in your newly rewritten branches. When you are ready to delete the backup, run

      git update-ref -d refs/original/refs/heads/master


      You could cook up a command to cover all backup refs in one command, but I recommend careful review for each one.


      $ git lola --name-status
      * ab8cb1c (bar-feature) Add bar
      | M     .gitignore
      | A     bar.c
      | * 43e5658 (master) Add foo
      |   A   foo.c
      * 6469dab Commit 2
      | A     module.c
      * 47f9f73 Commit 1
      | A     main.c
      * 00c7780 (HEAD, new-root) Create .gitignore
        A     .gitignore

      观察到所有目标文件都消失了. bar功能中对.gitignore的修改是因为我使用了不同的内容来确保将其保留.为了完整性:

      Observe that all the object files are gone. The modification to .gitignore in bar-feature is because I used different contents to make sure it would be preserved. For completeness:

      $ git diff new-root:.gitignore bar-feature:.gitignore
      diff --git a/new-root:.gitignore b/bar-feature:.gitignore
      index 5761abc..c395c62 100644
      --- a/new-root:.gitignore
      +++ b/bar-feature:.gitignore
      @@ -1 +1,2 @@


      The new-root ref is no longer useful, so dispose of it with

      $ git checkout master
      $ git branch -d new-root


09-04 20:27