


I have integrated In App Purchase (Auto-Renewable subscription) in iOS & Android. Both are working fine. I have certain doubts about validating the IAP using cross platforms like:

  1. 在一个应用程序中登录时有多个用户,一个特定的订阅如何工作?(例如,如果用户A具有标准计划并从应用程序注销后.如果用户B登录具有保费计划的同一计划,iTunes将如何管理特定用户的IAP计划?)

  1. How multiple user when login in one app, how does the subscription for one particular works? (For Example, if user A has standard plan & after logout from the app. If user B logins in the same plan who has premium plan. How the iTunes will manages plan of IAP for particular user?)


Also what if user's who has android device when switch to iOS, then how to validate the IAP from android to iOS or vice-versa? (Like Netflix)


What if user A who has purchased standard plan on android and now switch to iOS & upgraded to platinum plan. So at the end of the standard subscription plan , will the standard plan be stopped & platinum will continue.. or standard plan will be counted too??


Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


就像@ Paulw11所说,您需要在自己的服务器上管理订阅.任何收据验证都只会针对设备上的该用户App Store或Play Store帐户进行验证,而不针对您应用程序的登录用户进行验证.显然,Apple无法验证Google的购买交易,反之亦然.

Like @Paulw11 said, you'll need to manage subscriptions on your own server. Any receipt validation will only validate against that users App Store or Play Store account on the device, not the logged in user of your app. Obviously, Apple can't validate a Google purchase or vis-versa.


  1. Apple只会在设备上查看App Store帐户,以查看该用户是否进行了购买.Apple不会对您登录的用户进行任何验证.
  2. 您需要在服务器上存储该用户的收据(从他们购买的任何商店).当用户在任何设备上登录时,您可以检查您的后端以查看订阅是否过期.
  3. 无法在两个平台之间升级/交叉升级.用户A在Android上购买了标准套餐后,就需要使用自己的Play商店帐户来管理订阅.查看大型,跨平台的应用程序,例如Netflix或HBO,以了解它们如何处理向用户发送此消息.

有一个工具 RevenueCat ,可能值得一试.本质上,这是一种订阅后端即服务,可以完全处理您的尝试.

There is a tool, RevenueCat, that might be worth checking out. It's essentially a subscription backend-as-a-service that handles exactly what your trying to do.


09-03 00:08