我正在实现一个颜色选择器.渲染有问题.当我调用 c.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 80);
时,该矩形的大小是 103x42 px 而不是 100x80.这里有什么问题?
I'm implementing a color picker. There is problem with the rendering. When I call c.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 80);
the size of that rectangle is 103x42 px instead of 100x80. What is wrong here?
此外,矩形是抗锯齿的.我是否需要将位置偏移 (0.5, 0.5) 以避免 AA?我没有使用任何类型的坐标系转换.
Also, rectangles are antialiased. Do I need offset the position by (0.5, 0.5) to avoid AA? I didn't use any kind of the coordinate system transformations.
colorSlider = function($e, color) {
this._$canvas = $('<canvas></canvas>');
this._c = this._$canvas[0].getContext('2d');
this._color = color || { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
var me = this;
this._$canvas.mousedown(function(e) { me._mouseDown.call(me, e) });
this._$canvas.mouseup(function(e) { me._mouseUp.call(me, e) });
this._$canvas.mousemove(function(e) { me._mouseMove.call(me, e) });
this._dragChannel = 0;
colorSlider.prototype._pointInRect = function(x, y, rect) {
return x >= rect.x && x <= rect.x + rect.w && y >= rect.y && y <= rect.y + rect.h;
colorSlider.prototype._findTarget = function(event) {
var x = event.offsetX;
var y = event.offsetY;
console.log(x, y, this._rectR);
if (this._pointInRect(x, y, this._rectRThumb)) {
return { target: 1, value: x - this._rectR.x };
if (this._pointInRect(x, y, this._rectGThumb)) {
return { target: 2, value: x - this._rectG.x };
if (this._pointInRect(x, y, this._rectBThumb)) {
return { target: 3, value: x - this._rectB.x };
if (this._pointInRect(x, y, this._rectR)) {
return { target: 4, value: x - this._rectR.x };
if (this._pointInRect(x, y, this._rectG)) {
return { target: 5, value: x - this._rectG.x };
if (this._pointInRect(x, y, this._rectB)) {
return { target: 6, value: x - this._rectB.x };
return null;
colorSlider.prototype._mouseDown = function(event) {
this._dragChannel = 0;
var target = this._findTarget(event);
if (target) {
switch (target.target) {
case 1:
this._dragChannel = 1;
case 2:
this._dragChannel = 2;
case 3:
this._dragChannel = 3;
case 4:
this._color.r = target.value;
case 5:
this._color.g = target.value;
case 6:
this._color.b = target.value;
colorSlider.prototype._mouseUp = function(event) {
colorSlider.prototype._mouseMove = function(event) {
//console.log('mouseMove', event);
colorSlider.prototype.padding = 4;
colorSlider.prototype._render = function() {
var padding = this.padding;
var thickness = 16;
var c = this._c;
var w = 255;
var h = this._$canvas.height();
c.clearRect(0, 0, this._$canvas.width(), this._$canvas.height());
var gradient = c.createLinearGradient(padding, 0, w, 0);
c.fillStyle = gradient;
gradient.addColorStop(0, this.colorToHex({ r: 0, g: this._color.g, b: this._color.b }));
gradient.addColorStop(1, this.colorToHex({ r: 255, g: this._color.g, b: this._color.b }));
c.fillRect(padding, padding, w, thickness);
c.lineWidth = 0;
c.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 80);
this._rectR = { x: padding, y: padding, w: w, h: thickness };
gradient = c.createLinearGradient(padding, 0, w, 0);
c.fillStyle = gradient;
gradient.addColorStop(0, this.colorToHex({ r: this._color.r, g: 0, b: this._color.b }));
gradient.addColorStop(1, this.colorToHex({ r: this._color.r, g: 255, b: this._color.b }));
c.fillRect(padding, padding + thickness + 2 * padding, w, thickness);
this._rectG = { x: padding, y: padding + thickness + 2 * padding, w: w, h: thickness };
gradient = c.createLinearGradient(padding, 0, w, 0);
c.fillStyle = gradient;
gradient.addColorStop(0, this.colorToHex({ r: this._color.r, g: this._color.g, b: 0 }));
gradient.addColorStop(1, this.colorToHex({ r: this._color.r, g: this._color.g, b: 255 }));
c.fillRect(padding, padding + 2 * (thickness + 2 * padding), w, thickness);
this._rectB = { x: padding, y: padding + 2 * (thickness + 2 * padding), w: w, h: thickness };
c.lineWidth = 2;
c.fillStyle = "white";
c.strokeStyle = "#888888";
this._rectRThumb = { x: padding + this._color.r - 2, y: padding / 2, w: 8, h: 20, r: 2 };
this.drawRoundedRectangle(c, this._rectRThumb);
this._rectGThumb = { x: padding + this._color.g - 2, y: padding / 2 + 2 * padding + thickness, w: 8, h: 20, r: 2 };
this.drawRoundedRectangle(c, this._rectGThumb);
this._rectBThumb = { x: padding + this._color.b - 2, y: padding / 2 + 2 * (2 * padding + thickness), w: 8, h: 20, r: 2 };
this.drawRoundedRectangle(c, this._rectBThumb);
colorSlider.prototype.colorToHex = function(color) {
var c = '#'
+ (color.r + 256).toString(16).substr(1, 2)
+ (color.g + 256).toString(16).substr(1, 2)
+ (color.b + 256).toString(16).substr(1, 2);
return c;
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1255512/how-to-draw-a-rounded-rectangle-on-html-canvas
colorSlider.prototype.drawRoundedRectangle = function(c, rect) {
var x = rect.x;
var y = rect.y;
var width = rect.w;
var height = rect.h;
var radius = rect.r;
c.moveTo(x + radius, y);
c.lineTo(x + width - radius, y);
c.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius);
c.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
c.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius, y + height);
c.lineTo(x + radius, y + height);
c.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius);
c.lineTo(x, y + radius);
c.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);
$(function() {
$("#directionalLight,#ambientLight").each(function() {
new colorSlider($(this));
<div>Directional light</div>
<div id="directionalLight"></div>
<div>Ambient light</div>
<div id="ambientLight"></div>
首先要知道的是 canvas
元素具有 内在尺寸 =内部坐标空间(由width
和 style.height
The first thing to know is that a canvas
element has intrinsic dimensions = number of pixels in the inside coordinate space (set by the width
and height
attributes and properties). It also has extrinsic dimensions (style.width
and style.height
) which is the number of pixels that the image takes within the webpage. The intrinsic pixels are scaled to fit the extrinsic space.
令人困惑,因为 img
也有内在和外在维度,但属性的名称与 canvas
一样>;他们都设置了外部尺寸来缩放页面内的图像.同时,您只能使用新的 naturalWidth
和 naturalHeight
(仅限 HTML5 浏览器)获取 img
的内在尺寸) 属性.
It's confusing because an img
also has intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions, but the names of the properties are completely different from canvas
. If you set width
and height
on an image, it's basically the same as setting style.width
or style.height
; they both set the extrinsic dimensions to scale the image within the page. Meanwhile, you can only get the intrinsic dimensions of an img
using the new naturalWidth
and naturalHeight
(HTML5 browsers only) properties.
如果在 img
和 canvas
上都没有设置外在尺寸,图像将按照与内在尺寸相同的尺寸进行布局(即,比例因子将为 1).
If the extrinsic dimensions are not set on both img
and canvas
, the image will be laid out at the same size as the intrinsic dimensions (i.e., scale factor would be 1).
现在,当您使用 jQuery 时,$(canvas).width('310px')
与 $(canvas).css('310px')
相同,它设置外部维度.您必须调用 $(canvas).prop('width', 310)
或简单地设置 canvas.width = 310
Now, when you use jQuery, $(canvas).width('310px')
is the same as $(canvas).css('310px')
, which sets the extrinsic dimensions. You have to call $(canvas).prop('width', 310)
or simply set canvas.width = 310
to set the intrinsic width.