

我看到一个建议,即考虑到摩尔定律,将回合数设置为($currentYear - 2000),这样2013年将是13次回合,因此是2^13次总迭代.当然,您需要考虑自己的硬件,以确保它不会花费太长时间(我看到1 second建议将其作为安全"来检查密码/哈希值,并且在当前硬件上该标记周围有13个回合)

I saw a recommendation that the number of rounds be set to ($currentYear - 2000) to account for Moore's law, so that 2013 would be 13 rounds and therefore 2^13 total iterations. Of course, you need to take into account your own hardware to ensure it doesn't take too long (I saw 1 second recommended as "safe" for checking passwords/hashes, and 13 rounds falls around that mark on my current hardware).

对于社交网络类型的网站来说,这听起来合理吗?还是我将来会使用($currentYear - 2000)将自己设置为非常缓慢的密码检查?

Does that sound reasonable for a social networking type of site? Or would I be setting myself up for very slow password checking in the future by using ($currentYear - 2000)?


Also, how do you deal with changing the number of rounds from one year to the next? Won't changing the number of rounds change the hashes, therefore not allowing you to check hashes from 2013 in 2014 since the check would use an extra round? Would you have to re-calculate every single hash each year, or how would it work exactly?



First off, I question that recommendation (adjusting cost based on year). The cost should be based on how fast your hardware is, not the current date. If you don't upgrade your server between now and 2015, there's no reason to increase the cost. All you do is slow an already slow process.


With that said, I also question the recommendation of 1 second for most usages. If you're dealing with highly sensitive information, 1 second (or perhaps longer) is ok. But for the average website, I typically recommend between 0.25 and 0.5 seconds. In some cases you can go lower, but I wouldn't without strong justification.

现在,问问题本身.当您使用 crypt() password_hash() ,迭代计数以返回哈希格式存储.实际上,盐也是如此.因此,计算哈希所需的所有信息都包含在其中!

Now, to the question itself. When you use crypt() or password_hash(), the iteration count is stored in the return hash format. In fact, the salt is as well. So all information needed to compute the hash is included in it!

如果您不使用这些API中的任何一个(或我维护的polyfill): password-compat ),那么我真的很想知道为什么你不是.不要发明自己的密码加密货币.除非您有充分的理由(出于某些政府合规性原因,或者与PHP

And if you're not using either of those API's (or the polyfill that I maintain: password-compat), then I really have to wonder why you aren't. Don't invent your own password crypto. Don't use libraries that use native hashes (like phpass) unless you have a strong reason to (for certain governmental compliance reasons, or compatibility with PHP <= 5.2).

通常认为bcrypt是当今最强大的哈希格式. SCrypt更加强大,但是存在一些问题,它仍然是非常新的(并且在PHP核心中尚不可用).因此,只需使用bcrypt ...

It is generally considered that bcrypt is the strongest hash format today. SCrypt is stronger, but there are some issues with it, and it is still very new (and it's not available in PHP core yet). So just use bcrypt...

password_hash() api具有一种机制,可让您执行您要问的事情: password_needs_rehash() .基本上,您传递哈希值以及今天使用的选项,它会告诉您是否需要重新哈希值:

The password_hash() api has a mechanism for you to do what you're asking: password_needs_rehash(). Basically, you pass in the hash, and the options you use today, and it tells you if you need to rehash it:

if (password_verify($password, $hash)) {
    if (password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 14])) {
        $hash = password_hash($password);
    $loggedin = true;

阅读 RFC的password_hash()以获得更多信息(我从大量资源,并且在RFC中包括了引用.)

Read the RFC for password_hash() for more information about it (I collected data from a large number of sources, and included references in the RFC).


Sort-of true. Well, true, but misses the point of what I was talking about above.


The cost parameter of the hash function is a time-effort tradeoff. You trade-off some time to add additional effort to each hash. On the same hardware, taking more time will yield more work. The other way to yield more work is to get faster hardware.


But the recommendation is to test the hash function on your current hardware, and make it as expensive as you can reasonably make it. If 0.5 seconds is the maximum that you can afford today, unless you upgrade your server hardware, how is increasing the cost going to help you? In short, it won't because you'll break the maximum time limit you've already determined is important.


So you can't increase the work parameter without also increasing the server's capabilities, unless you already were producing weak hashes.



08-26 03:25