

我写了以下代码,将证书详细信息存储在一个csv文件中.它可以工作,但是在csv文件的每一行中都在开头写了符号 @ {,在结尾写了} .还写了 = .所以我不知道没有这些符号怎么填充我的csv文件

I wrote the following code that stores certificates details in a csv file. It works but in each line of the csv file the symbols @{ at the beginning and } at the end are written.also in the first column which contains the headers the symbol = is also written. So I did not know how populate my csv file without these symbols


$StartDate = Get-Date
 $CertPath = 'Cert:\LocalMachine\'

  $CertsDetail =  Get-ChildItem -Path $CertPath -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PsIsContainer -ne $true } | ForEach-Object {
   $DaysLeft = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End $_.NotAfter).Days
   If ($DaysLeft -lt 30) {
    $Under30 = $true
    $Text = "The Certificate is but valid about to expire"
Else {
    $Under30 = $false
If ($DaysLeft -lt 1) {
    $Expired = $true
    #$Not_Expired = $false
    $Text = "The Certificate is expired"
Else {
    $Expired = $false
    #$Not_Expired = $true
    $Text = "The Certificate is still valid and not going soon to expire"
                Subject = $_.Subject;`
                ExpireDate = $_.NotAfter;`
                DaysRemaining = $DaysLeft;`
                Under30Days = $Under30;`
                Expired = $Expired;`
                #Not_Expired = $Not_Expired

         $obj = [PSCustomObject] @{
         'Example Header 1' = $null
         'Example Header 2' = $null
         'Example Header 3' = $null
         'Example Header 4' = $null
         'Example Header 5' = $null
         'Example Header 6' = $null

$obj | Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\hanna\Desktop\certificate.csv'
$CertsDetail | Add-Content -Path 'C:\Users\hanna\Desktop\certificate.csv'



$StartDate = Get-Date
$CertPath = 'Cert:\LocalMachine\'
$CertsDetail = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertPath -Recurse |
    Where-Object { $_.PsIsContainer -ne $true } | ForEach-Object {
    $DaysLeft = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End $_.NotAfter).Days
    if ($DaysLeft -lt 1) {
        $Under30 = $true
        $Expired = $true
        $Text = "The Certificate is expired"
    elseif ($DaysLeft -lt 30) {
        $Under30 = $true
        $Expired = $false
        $Text = "The Certificate is but valid about to expire"
    else {
        $Under30 = $false
        $Expired = $false
        $Text = "The Certificate is still valid and not going soon to expire"
        Text = $Text
        Subject = $_.Subject
        ExpireDate = $_.NotAfter
        DaysRemaining = $DaysLeft
        Under30Days = $Under30
        Expired = $Expired
$CertsDetail | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Users\hanna\Desktop\certificate.csv'


08-20 09:49