Until what point in time does JSF save the state of UI components on the server side & when exactly is the UI component's state information removed from the server memory? As a logged-in user on the application navigates though pages, will the state of components keep on accumulating on the server?
I don't understand what is the benefit of keeping UI components state on server !? Isn't directly passing the validated/converted data to managed beans enough? Can I or should I try to avoid it?
Doesn't that consume too much memory on the server side, if there are thousands of concurrent user sessions? I have an application where users can post blogs on certain topics. This blogs are quite large in size. When there will be post back or request for viewing the blogs, will this big page data be saved as a part of the state of components? This would eat up too much memory. Isn't this a concern ?
(PS考虑对& 如果这是一个有用的功能。)
Update 1:
Now, it is no longer necessary to save state while using JSF. A high performance Stateless JSF implementation is available for use. See this blog & this question for relevant details & discussion. Also, there is an open issue to include in JSF specs, an option to provide stateless mode for JSF.(P.S. Consider voting for the issues this & this if this is a useful feature for you.)
一个伟大的 Mojarra 2.1.19 的消息是无状态模式!
因为HTTP是无状态的并且JSF是有状态的。 JSF组件树受动态(程序)更改的影响。 JSF只需要知道将表单显示给最终用户时的确切状态,以便在表单提交回原始JSF组件树时,它可以基于原始JSF组件树提供的信息成功处理整个JSF生命周期。服务器。组件树提供有关请求参数名称,必需的转换器/验证器,绑定的托管bean属性和操作方法的信息。
Because HTTP is stateless and JSF is stateful. The JSF component tree is subject to dynamic (programmatic) changes. JSF simply needs to know the exact state as it was when the form had been displayed to the enduser, so that it can successfully process the whole JSF lifecycle based on the information provided by the original JSF component tree when the form has been submitted back to the server. The component tree provides information about the request parameter names, the necessary converters/validators, the bound managed bean properties and action methods.
这两个问题似乎归结为相同。无论如何,这是特定于实现的,还取决于状态是保存在服务器还是客户端上。有点不错的实现将在它过期或队列已满时将其删除。例如,当状态保存设置为会话时,Mojarra的默认限制为15个逻辑视图。这可以通过 web.xml
Those two questions seem to boil down to the same. Anyway, this is implementation specific and also dependent on whether the state is saved on server or client. A bit decent implementation will remove it when it has been expired or when the queue is full. Mojarra for example has a default limit of 15 logical views when state saving is set to session. This is configureable with the following context param in web.xml
See also Mojarra FAQ for other Mojarra-specific params and this related answer com.sun.faces.numberOfViewsInSession vs com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews
从技术上讲,这取决于实施。如果您正在谈论页面到页面导航(只是GET请求),那么Mojarra将不会在会话中保存任何内容。如果它们是POST请求(带有commandlinks / buttons的表单),那么Mojarra将在会话中保存每个表单的状态,直到达到最大限制。这使得最终用户可以在同一会话中的不同浏览器选项卡中打开多个表单。
Technically, that depends on the implementation. If you're talking about page-to-page navigation (just GET requests) then Mojarra won't save anything in session. If they are however POST requests (forms with commandlinks/buttons), then Mojarra will save state of each form in session until the max limit. This enables the enduser to open multiple forms in different browser tabs in the same session.
或者,当状态保存设置为客户端时,JSF将不会存储任何内容在会议中。您可以通过 web.xml
Or, when the state saving is set to client, then JSF won't store anything in session. You can do that by the following context param in web.xml
It will then be serialized to an encrypted string in a hidden input field with the name javax.faces.ViewState
of the form.
这还不足以确保JSF的完整性和健壮性。 JSF是一个具有单一控制点的动态框架。如果没有状态管理,就可以以某种方式欺骗/破解HTTP请求(例如,操纵已禁用
属性),让JSF做出不同的 - 并且可能带来危险的事情。它甚至会容易发生CSRF攻击和网络钓鱼。
That's not enough to ensure the integrity and robustness of JSF. JSF is a dynamic framework with a single entry point of control. Without a state management, one would be able spoof/hack HTTP requests in a certain way (e.g. manipulating disabled
, readonly
and rendered
attributes), to let JSF do different -and potentially hazardful- things. It would even be prone to CSRF attacks and phishing.
Memory is particularly cheap. Just give the appserver enough memory. Or if network bandwidth is cheaper to you, just switch state saving to client side. To find the best match, just stresstest and profile your webapp with expected max amount of concurrent users and then give the appserver 125% ~ 150% of maximum measured memory.
注意JSF 2.0在状态管理方面有了很大的改进。可以保存部分状态(例如仅 < h:form>
将被保存而不是< html> 一直到最后)。例如Mojarra就是这么做的。具有10个输入字段(每个字段带有标签和消息)和2个按钮的平均表单不会超过1KB。在会话中有15个视图,每个会话不应超过15KB。大约1000个并发用户会话,不应超过15MB。
Note that JSF 2.0 has improved a lot in state management. It's possible to save partial state (e.g. only the <h:form>
will be saved instead of the whole stuff from <html>
all the way to the end). Mojarra for example does that. An average form with 10 input fields (each with a label and message) and 2 buttons would take no more than 1KB. With 15 views in session, that should be no more than 15KB per session. With ~1000 concurrent user sessions, that should be no more than 15MB.
您的关注点应该更多地关注真实对象(托管bean和/或甚至数据库实体)在会话或应用程序范围内。我已经看到很多代码和项目不必要地将整个数据库表复制到Java的内存中,其中使用了Java而不是SQL来过滤/分组/排列记录。有大约1000条记录,每个用户会话就可以轻松超过10MB 。
Your concern should be more focused on the real objects (managed beans and/or even DB entities) in session or application scope. I've seen lot of codes and projects which unnecessarily duplicates the entire database table into Java's memory in flavor of a session scoped bean where Java is been used instead of SQL to filter/group/arrange the records. With ~1000 records, that would easily go over 10MB per user session.