


As a beginner, I have tried build a really simple multi-class classifier in tensorflowJS which is suppose to predict the direction of my eye sight.

第1步:我在浏览器中创建了数据集,以训练我的模型,在该模型中,将网络摄像头渲染的眼睛图像存储在HTML5画布上.我使用箭头键将图像标记为0 =左,1 =正常和2 =右.为了训练模型,我在传递给方法之前使用tf.onHot()转换了这些标签.

Step 1: I created data set in the browser to train my model where I am storing images of my eyes rendered by webcam on a HTML5 canvas. I use arrow keys to label my images as 0=left,1=normal and 2=right. To train the model, I convert these lables using tf.onHot() before passing to the method.

// data collection
let imageArray = [];
let labelArray = [];

let collectData = (label) => {
    const img = tf.tidy(() => {
        const captureImg = getImage();
        return captureImg;
    labelArray.push(label) //--- labels are 0,1,2

// label conversion
let labelSet = tf.oneHot(tf.tensor1d(labelArray, 'int32'), 3);

第 2 步:我没有加载任何经过训练的模型,而是使用了我使用 tensorflowJS 构建的自定义模型.

Step 2: Instead of loading any per-trained model, I used my custom model that I built using tensorflowJS.

let createModel = () => {
        const model = tf.sequential();
        let config_one = {
            kernelSize: 3,
            filters: 40,
            strides: 1,
            activation: 'relu',
            inputShape: [imageHeight, imageWidth, imageChannels]

        let config_two = {
            poolSize: [2, 2],
            strides: [2, 2],


        // Two output values x and y
        let congfig_output = {
            units: 3,
            activation: 'tanh',

        // Use ADAM optimizer with learning rate of 0.0005 and MSE loss
        let config_compile = {
            optimizer: tf.train.adam(0.00005),
            loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',


        return model;


Problems : There are several problems I am facing right now.

  1. 当我将meanSquared用作损失函数且亚当学习率0.000005时,我的模型开始预测,但仅预测正常和左/右眼中的两个状态,因此要进行多类分类,我将损失函数更改为categoricalCrossentropy,但结果仍然相同或有时更糟.

  1. When I use meanSquared as loss function and adam learning rate 0.000005, my model starts predicting but it only predicts two of the eye's state normal and left/right so to do multi-class classification, I changed loss function to categoricalCrossentropy but the result is still same or sometime worst.


I tried other combination of hyper parameters but no luck. The worst situation I got into was my loss function was showing only three constant values repeatedly.


My browser would crashed in some case where - if - I pass too much data or use other type of optimizer in compile config such as sgd or anything else. When I did a quick search on google, I found I can use tf.memory() to check any memory leak which could be causing browser crash but that line didn't log anything in the console.


I was adjusting various values and parameters in the code and training the model which made it work sometimes, partially, and most of the time didn't even work. It was all hit and trial. Eventually I learned about parameters to use for loss function in the compile method and activation function in con2d input layer but other stuff is still confusing such as - number of epochs, batch size, learning rate in adam etc.


I understood or I think I understood these - kernalsize, filters, strides, inputshape but still have no idea how to decide number of layers various hyper parameters etc.


Edit - this is what I get after updating the code as per the suggestion. I still don't proper classification. I am training with minimum of 1000+ images.


A. I still get the loss recurring with fixed valeus


B. Accuracy is also repeating itself with 1, 0.5 and 0

function getImage() {
        return tf.tidy(function () {
            const image = tf.browser.fromPixels($('#eyes')[0]);
            const batchedImage = image.expandDims(0);
            const norm = batchedImage.toFloat().div(tf.scalar(255)).sub(tf.scalar(1));
            return norm;




对我来说,最明显的错误是输出层的激活功能,在其中使用 tanh 时应使用 softmax 代替.接下来,您可以降低学习率,尝试将其设置为 0.001 ,这是一个很好的默认设置.

Most obvious thing to me that is wrong with this is your output layer's activation function, where you use tanh you should be using softmax instead. Next, your learning rate is way to low try setting it to 0.001 which is a good default to use.


You also probably don't need dropout as you have not gotten any results to justify that the model is overfitting. You could also add in more convolutional layers to this, try the example below.

    inputShape: [28, 28, 1],
    kernelSize: 5,
    filters: 8,
    strides: 1,
    activation: 'relu',

    poolSize: [2, 2],
    strides: [2, 2],

    kernelSize: 5,
    filters: 16,
    strides: 1,
    activation: 'relu',

    poolSize: [2, 2],
    strides: [2, 2],


    units: 3,
    activation: 'softmax',

const LEARNING_RATE = 0.001;
const optimizer = tf.train.adam(LEARNING_RATE);

    optimizer: optimizer,
    loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',
    metrics: ['accuracy'],


08-03 19:21