

如果您的Android应用使用设备相机拍摄照片然后调整大小(这是非常常见的做法,可以减小上传的大小),那么您可能没有意识到此调整大小操作条纹 Exif元数据.

If your Android app uses the device camera to take a picture and then resizes it (this is very, very common to reduce the size for upload), you might not realize that this resize operation strips the Exif metadata.


This can cause problems, especially if the device in question relies on the 'Orientation' tag to properly show the image upright.

不同的Android设备以不同的方式处理摄像头/图像旋转-我可信赖的旧Nexus One似乎总是在捕获后立即旋转图像,因此在查看文件时,文件的本机内容始终为竖直".

Different Android devices handle camera/image rotation in different ways - my trusty old Nexus One seems to always rotate the image immediately post capture, so the file's native contents are always 'upright' when viewed.


However, other devices (especially Samsung phones in my testing), do not rotate the contents of the image file - rather, they set the Exif 'Orientation' tag. Whenever the image is displayed later, the relevant image code should detect the presence of the Orientation 'tag' and rotate the image appropriately. But if you have done any bitmap processing on the image and saved it to a new file, all of that Exif data is lost.


In addition to Orientation data, you might also lose other valuable metadata such as make/model, etc.


This confused me for a few weeks (image appears upright when displayed in phone gallery, but then arrives on my server with bad orientation and no apparent metadata). I'm adding this self-question here to help others. This blog post was very helpful:



正如其他人指出的那样,您必须将Exif数据从原始图像复制到最终调整大小的图像. Sanselan Android库通常最适合此功能.根据Android操作系统的版本,ExifInterface有时会破坏Exifdata.

As others have indicated, you must copy the Exif data from the original image to the final resized image. The Sanselan Android library is typically best for this. Depending on Android OS version, the ExifInterface sometimes corrupts the Exifdata.


In addition, the ExifInterface also handles a limited number of Exif tags -- namely only the tags that it "knows" about. Sanselan on the other hand will keep all Exiftags and marker notes.


Here is a blog post that shows how to use Sanselan for copying image data:


顺便说一句,在Android上,我也倾向于旋转图像并删除Orientation Exiftag.例如,在具有Android 4.03的Nexus S上,摄像头在Exifmetadata中设置了方向标签,但Web视图忽略了该信息并错误地显示了图像.可悲的是,旋转实际图像数据并删除Exiforientation标签是使每个程序正确显示图像的唯一方法.

BTW, on Android I also tend to rotate the images and remove the Orientation Exiftag. For example, on a Nexus S with Android 4.03, the camera was setting an orientation tag in the Exifmetadata, but the webview was ignoring that information and displaying the image incorrectly. Sadly, rotating the actual image data and removing the Exiforientation tag is the only way to get every program to display images correctly.


07-23 04:23