Hi all,When a user enters a german character in a textbox (such as ? ? ü ?) and Itry to save it, these characters get converted to a different character.How can I prevent this?Tia,Martin 解决方案It sounds like it''s a problem with encoding. You are probably eitherusing an encoding that doesn''t support the characters, or usingdifferent encodings for saving and retrieveing the text.Where do you save it? Text file? Database? Left pocket?Does the value change when you save it or when you retrieve it?--G?ran Andersson_____ http://www.guffa.comIt sounds like it''s a problem with encoding. You are probably either usingan encoding that doesn''t support the characters, or using differentencodings for saving and retrieveing the text.Where do you save it? Text file? Database? Left pocket?Does the value change when you save it or when you retrieve it?--G?ran Andersson_____ http://www.guffa.comA file doesn''t contain characters, it contains bytes, so every text fileuses some encoding to represent the characters as bytes.The ASCII encoding doesn''t support any special characters. You shoulduse the UTF-8 encoding. This is however the default for the methods inthe framework when you don''t specify any encoding, so you have to havedone something to use some other encoding.What does your code look like?--G?ran Andersson_____ http://www.guffa.com 这篇关于文本框中的德语字符的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!