

是否有一种功能性语言对建立Web服务有很好的支持和工具?我一直在寻找Scala(可编译为JVM并可以使用Java库)和F#(即.NET),但这些都很年轻,并且效率低下。除了自递归函数外,Scala特别不​​支持tail-call消除,这限制了您可以执行的组合类型(这是JVM的一个基本限制)。 F#是非常新的,似乎还没有完全支持,这使得它比传统的语言风险更大。

是否有可能使用Haskell构建Web服务,ML还是任何其他更传统的函数式语言,还是使用Scala或F#会更好?任何其他建议?如果.NET是该平台的一个选项,请不要因为年轻而优惠F#。随着它越来越接近成为官方产品,它与Visual Studio的结合越来越好,并继承了.NET提供的所有优点。


Is there a functional language that has good support and tools for building web services? I've been looking at Scala (which compiles to the JVM and can use the Java libraries) and F# (which is .NET), but these are young and have some inefficiencies. Scala in particular doesn't support tail-call elimination except in self-recursive functions, which limits the kinds of composition you can do (this is a fundamental limitation of the JVM). F# is very new and doesn't seem to be fully supported yet, which makes it riskier than a more conventional language.

Is it possible to build a web service using Haskell, ML, or any of the other more traditional functional languages, or would it be better to go with Scala or F#? Any other suggestions?


If .NET is an option for the platform, don't discount F# because of its youth. As it get closer to becoming an official product, it is getting better and better integration with Visual Studio and inherits all the goodness afforded by .NET.

There is also active and accessible support by both Microsoft and an enthusiastic community.


08-03 22:02