




I have a Django app on Heroku set up and the database is starting to collect data. To debug things more easily I would like to connect my development machine directly to the database. Is this possible to do with Heroku?



As Kirsten says, the shared database plans are not currently accessible from outside the Heroku platform (that's something reserved for the 'production' Postgres service). However, there are a few other options.

主要的一个是将数据拉低并在本地进行查看。 ,这很幸运很简单:

One of the main ones is to pull your data down and look at it locally. By using the Taps rubygem this is luckily very very simple:

$ heroku db:pull
Receiving schema
Receiving data
8 tables, 591 records
users:         100% |==============================================| Time: 00:00:00
pages:         100% |==============================================| Time: 00:00:00
comments:      100% |==============================================| Time: 00:00:00
tags:          100% |==============================================| Time: 00:00:00
Receiving indexes
Resetting sequences


There are a few other options available which can make this task lighter if you're using a large dataset:

# -c, --chunksize SIZE # specify the number of rows to send in each batch
# -d, --debug          # enable debugging output
# -e, --exclude TABLES # exclude the specified tables from the push
# -f, --filter REGEX   # only push certain tables
# -r, --resume FILE    # resume transfer described by a .dat file
# -t, --tables TABLES  # only push the specified tables


水龙头也可以在Heroku上下文中使用。 。

Taps can also be used outside of the Heroku context. See the README for more information..

第二个选项,对于较大的数据集更为可取的是使用 Heroku pgbackups add-on 。这将允许您创建数据库的转储,然后在本地下载文件以导入干净的数据库。由于Taps的工作原理,这比Taps快得多。

A second option, and one which is much more preferable with larger datasets is to use the Heroku pgbackups add-on. This will let you create a dump of your database, and then download the file locally to import against a clean DB. This is significantly quicker than Taps due to the way that Taps works.


$ heroku update

$ heroku addons:add pgbackups
Adding pgbackups to myapp... done

$ heroku pgbackups:capture

DATABASE_URL  ----backup--->  b003

Dump... 2.6MB, done
Upload... 2.6MB, done

$ heroku pgbackups
ID   | Backup Time         | Size    | Database
b003 | 2010/10/22 15:16.01 |   2.6MB | SHARED_DATABASE_URL
b004 | 2010/10/22 15:18.12 | 424.7MB | HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_URL

$ heroku pgbackups:url b004
"http://s3.amazonaws.com/hkpgbackups/[email protected]/b004.dump?AWSAccessKeyId=ABCD1234&Expires=1289261668&Signature=3mMBeKISewgEUDT%2FL5mRz4EYS4M%3D"


That last URL can be downloaded and imported.


07-20 21:40