我在短时间内多次使用刷新令牌进行测试,但我想知道 Google 刷新令牌是否会过期?我可以使用同一个刷新令牌在很长一段时间内(一周甚至几个月)一次又一次地获取另一个访问令牌吗?
I have used the refresh token several times in just a short period for testing purposes, but I wonder whether Google refresh tokens ever expire? Can I use the same refresh token to get another access token again and again for a long period (a week or even months)?
Google Auth 服务器发出的刷新令牌永不过期 — 这就是刷新令牌的全部意义所在.当用户撤销对您的应用程序的访问时,刷新令牌将过期(或者我应该说变得未经授权).
The Google Auth server issued Refresh tokens never expire — that's the whole point of the refresh tokens.The refresh token will expire (or I should say become unauthorized) when the user revokes access to your application.
参考这个 doc 它清楚地说明了刷新令牌的功能.
Refer this doc it clearly states the function of refresh tokens.
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