我是新来的Android NFC development.I已经创建了使用ISOdep将数据发送到Java card.In我的Java applet的卡,我得到使用RSA2048从APDU命令数据和加密数据并传回至Android application.So我android应用现在用NEXUS S和JCOP 81卡的testing.My问题是,当我删除Java卡在处理加密的Android设备(歌Nexus S)给出有线sound.After,我尝试再次点击,然后它总是给这个有线的声音。然后我用JCOP工具和挖掘again.now它的工作原理fine.In这里<一个复位Java卡href=\"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18340842/how-to-reset-java-card-using-apdu-command/18351391?noredirect=1#18351391\">How使用APDU命令我问到如何选择我们的Android applet.But或Java卡API的RESET.How不支持前重新Java卡,我可以解决这个problem.Is有什么办法像重置Java卡开始交易或rollbackTransaction像javax.smartcardio或有任何其他方式做到这一点?过程中其他的我想知道的是这个问题常见的所有Android设备?
I am new to Android NFC development.I have created android application which using ISOdep send data to java card.In my java card applet i get data from APDU command and encrypted data using RSA2048 and send back to Android application.So I am using NEXUS S and Jcop 81 card for the testing.My problem is when i remove the java card while processing encryption the Android device(nexus s) gives wired sound.After that i try to tap again then always it gives this wired sound.And then I reset java card using JCOP tools and tap again.now it works fine.In here How to Reset java card using APDU command i asked how to reset java card before we selecting applet.But android or java card API doesn't support for the RESET.How can i solve this problem.Is there are any way like begin transaction and endtransaction like in javax.smartcardio Or Is there any other way to do this process??Other thing i want to know is this problem common for all android devices?Sajith
使用 getATR()
在Java javax.smartcardio库不重置卡。
using getATR()
in the Java javax.smartcardio libraries does not reset the card.So u need to remove tha card from reader.